growth rate

  1. W

    Stylophora encrusting?

    Hi all, I was under the assumption that stylophora wasn’t an en encrusting coral but mine looks like it’s has grown over the epoxy?
  2. ChinoAquatics

    Og Bounce Shroom Growth

    Og Bounce Shroom Growth Rate Aug 9 - Sep 8 - Oct 2 ( ~2 Months )
  3. TheEelsSpiel

    Platygyra/lobophyllia growth

    I enjoy the look of large brain/maze corals and I recently got this pink and green platy. Will it grow large and round just by building a skeleton under it or should it be placed on a larger rock? Also what is the typical growth rate of a health platy?
  4. MaxTremors

    Get free K7 V3 reef lights to record your reef coral tank growth!!!Noo-psyche is coming again giveaway event!!!!

    Here is my 28g tank. It’s a JBJ Nanocube (currently battling some derbesia/bryopsis).
  5. Diveks

    How fast do cleaner shrimps grow?

    Hey everyone, so three months ago i bought a skunk cleaner shrimp online for my 210g and found out this guy is tiny, almost couldn't see him in the bag. The guy who sold the shrimp said it was medium. i have been keeping this little guy for a while in the coral qt and hasn't grown much since. i...
  6. rlkilwil

    Zoa sellers- I need advice!

    Everyone who frags and sells zoas- How often do you frag? What tools are your favorite for fragging? Do you ever have trouble knowing how to price? Do you try to sell more as single polyps or as multiple? Show me your frag tank setup!
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