
  1. Afkomjorgen

    Hammer bud, frag opportunity?

    Hello! Hammer has been making buds off the base for a bit and one is quite large now. Leave it or is this a good first time frag opportunity? any how to tips appreciated. Thanks!
  2. C

    My LPS aren't doing well. Need some help with my first tank.

    I'll get the tank stats out of the way first. 20 Gallon Cube AIO with AI Prime 16HD running on David Saxby preset. It's about 6 months old (not including the cycle), and for the first few months everything was going well, corals were completely open and growing, and now pretty much all of my...
  3. unchaotic

    Treating SPS like Bonsai Trees

    Quite a while back a random frogspawn polyp came loose and landed directly on a purple stylo branch. It killed the stylo polyps closest to it and what was eventually left was a stark white spot. When a coworker asked me what would happen I said the stylo would grow flesh back over it and, more...
  4. W

    Mandarin Dragonette Gill Hole Growth

    Hello, I have a problem it seems and my skills at research are failing me. I found one other thread on this forum with a similar title but no real resolution so I figured I should ask. My Mandarin Dragonettehas an odd growth coming from her left side gill hole, or I would assume it is a gill...
  5. Trigger1

    Clownfish growth, Uronema vs infection-both?

    Saw large growth on clownfish two days ago. Doing 90 minute RRR dips on both clowns for seven days. Does it look like an infection or Uronema?
  6. ThomasTran

    6500k T5 and ATi Blue Plus for growth and coloration ?

    Will 6500k fluorescent T5 combo with ATi Blue Plus increase growth and coloration ? i have x2 K7v3 for my 70 gallon tank, but the color doesn't look great and coral growth slow, i'm considering to use the combo above to make a hybrid. Cause i heard that the OG use it,if you guys have any...
  7. L

    Growth on live rock

    Very new to saltwater tanks. I have a few things growing on my live rock and was hoping someone could identify it for me. New tank 1 month old, 10g nano tank. Test results have all been good and within the recommended levels. See images of growth attached. Also noticed a bunch of clear looking...
  8. Cole_Voeller

    Weird growth on macro algae?

    Anyone able to identify this weird looking thing?
  9. Cole_Voeller

    Weird bulbousy thing on macro algae?

    Anyone able to identify this weird thing growing on macro algae? (It’s not letting me add a picture so I’ll add it in a comment)
  10. N

    Encrusting white layer on my rock

    This stuff showed up almost instantly, 7 week old tank and last few days I've been adding PurpleUp to help the corraline grow. I cant get a good pic but its a layer ontop of my rock and its VERY WHITE. I read it may be bleaching but this is new growth. I have very little flow in the areas...
  11. N

    Gray transparent slime?

    Do my snails leave this kind of slimey looking stuff behind? It's hard to spot at first but just below center of image where rock dips in. I've seen a couple singular long skinny white threads coming from the rocks too, is that from my snails or is it a a bacteria or algae or beginning of...
  12. C

    EMERGENCY Help - Little Clown

    Please help. Does anyone know what this could be on my little clown? It started off as a red bump under his mouth, but has turned white and he now seems to be bothered by it and keeps his mouth open all the time. Tank is relatively new (2 months) and this guy seems to be having issues. He is...
  13. D

    Candy Cane Coral Growth

    I’ve had this candy cane Coral since March I think. It’s always been two heads. But for a while now one has always been bigger than the other and the other one won’t open up because there is no space. Also not sure how candy canes grow but I’ve had two heads since March which kinda sucks. Not...
  14. K

    Clownfish black growth - parasite or disease?

    Hey fam, This growth showed up on Mai. She’s a 3 year old Picasso percula clown. It’s raised a few millimeters off her body, and dark black with a possible tinge of red, under the skin and above the muscle. I noticed it yesterday. No new fish or coral have been introduced since April (Today...
  15. M

    What is this growth?

    I have this grey green branching growth all over my rocks, glass and inside the filter. It blows of into a cloud of white debris with a squirt of water. This is relatively new and the tank is 9 months old. In the picture, it’s growing on my temp sensor. Fish and corals seem happy. Because of...
  16. wvfeefkeeper80

    Unknown and unmoving

    I noticed this on the rear of my tank last week while doing a water change. At first I thought it was a snail. This week, still there and no movement. Is this just something stuck my tank or something growing?
  17. reefsaver

    Upside Down Corals?

    Would anyone have a decent idea on varieties of coral that can grow upside down, or glued to the underside of an aquascape? My first thought was NPS (Non Photosynthetic) Corals, because they don't need light and I could just spot feed. But I'm a big fan of easy corals so I don't know if NPS is...
  18. M

    Hammer Coral flesh growing downwards

    Hi, So this hammer coral has been glued down for a few months now and the flesh has started to "encrust" around the rock below it (you can see the rock behind the flesh). I know it is progressing downwards as I have taken pictures a week apart comparing the growth. I can't seem to find any...
  19. kennedysherman

    Weird White Strands Growing From Frogspawn

    Does anybody have any idea what that white stuff is growing on my frogspawn? Should I be worried? I’ve had it for about a month and a half and it seems to be doing great and it’s growing too. The stuff looks and feels like thread..
  20. Solyum

    Schedule of evergrow it5012 full sps

    Hey Everyone, I'm getting an Envergrow soon and I'm looking for a good program for a full sps tank My aquarium is 150cm X 40cmX 60cm (50cm of watter) Thank you in advance
  21. Omarons

    High PH good for Stony coral, what about LPS and Soft coral

    So BRS proved that high PH is important for SPS and stony coral health. But does the PH affect LPS and soft coral? Does it make the Lps coral or soft coral grow and propagate faster Can anyone chime in
  22. C

    Favite growth

    So I am planning on getting a favite but will it encrust over my live rock or will it create its own mound and dome? Thank You
  23. N

    Growth on Hammer coral

    Hey Guys, I have a green wall hammer that’s been in my tank for about 5 months, and has been doing great. last night after lights went out and it closed up I noticed a white growth on one side and have no idea what it could be. the coral opens, is really puffy and happy looking so I don’t...
  24. Michelesreef

    Is my Frogfish growing or not?

    Hi there, we have had Mochi, our wartskin frogfish, for almost a year now and we feed him approx. 2 saltwater shrimp every other day and he has stayed there same size (about an inch) for maybe 6-8 months. It just doesn’t seem like he is growing and I’m not sure why. I don’t want to over...
  25. C

    Got my ATI results back and need help with a game plan.

    I just got my results back. I took my sample the same week that I started a chaeto reactor so know my nitrates and phosphates will come down, but am concerned that my nitrates are 135x my phosphates instead of about 10x like I see being ideal. I’m thinking of starting to dose NoPox but am unsure...
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