
  1. Wayne Kruger

    Starting to show off colour :)

    Hello community, I have had this mushroom for about 3 months now, I regularly used to target feed them until I got fish, I had to hold back on feeding fish and coral at the same time to prevent my parameters from going haywire. They at least seem to keep a new purple color which my eye only...
  2. H

    White/Semi-Transparent things growing on live rock/coral frags

    Good afternoon, I am new to the hobby and have a 75-gallon tank with 2 clownfish, 2 gobies (added two days ago after quarantining), 6 coral frags, a skunk shrimp, a porcelain crab (that's been hiding a couple of weeks), and some snails. I noticed some things growing around the coral fragments...
  3. E

    Weird tentacles growing out of a rock

    Hey guys so i have had this leather attached to a rock and i was looking in my tank today and realized there are tentacles growing out of the hole of this rock, i dont think they are bristle worms but im not sure. If anyone can help me identify what this is and if it is dangerous to my corals i...
  4. BighohoReef

    Hanging with Orphek the light bar

    Hey all, I'm looking for some specific lighting advice on the Orphek OR120 LED light bar. We're currently moving 30g LPS/Euphyllia dominated tank to a new WB 135.4. I've been testing out our T5 lights and just find the spectrum to be flat and uninviting (I'm aware it probably is amazing for...
  5. Perpetual Novice

    Need Recommendations: Fastest growing Zoas and Palys strains?

    I have been working on re-establishing my 13.5-gallon mantis Shrimp tank after it crashed a while ago from the death of my first mantis shrimp. The tank is designed to be low maintenance and tolerate high nutrients (impossible to avoid with the shrimp's bioload). The tank is up and running with...
  6. TwoFrogs

    Montipora growing or bleaching

    I bought this red/orange montipora a week ago. Tank chemistry seems fine - no high phosphates or nitrates and no ammonia. Is it growing or bleaching?
  7. smartwater101

    Monti Cap growing downwards?

    I've been meaning to ask about this for awhile. I got a small piece of this last summer and its been growing downwards ever since. Always seemed healthy otherwise. Grows fast as you would imagine. Other plating motnis and branching acros have encrusted are growing normally. The full tank...
  8. Mike N

    They grow up so fast

    This is the aiptasia that came in my live rock order from GLR about 6 weeks ago. Fast forward to 6/1/2017: He's in a 20g with no corals, only a valentini puffer, giant emerald, hermits, and astrea snails. Hasn't spread at all in 6 weeks. (Seems to contradict what a lot of people say about...
World Wide Corals