green chromis disease

  1. J

    Help identify Chromis problem and cure

    Hi all, Just started a new tank. 3 weeks into cycling, one LFS detected okey'ed my levels (used API kits). Tests on same day at another LFS (API) showed high ammonia and nitrites. Long story short, LFS suggested to use Aqua systems start your tank kit, did that and added 2 chromis on Day 3. 4...
  2. Nevada Wiseguy

    EMERGENCY Need Help Diagnosing Disease & How to Handle Without Quarantine Tank

    Hello! I am brand spanking new to these forums and this is a brand new 32g Biocube that I have. I am not new to saltwater tanks, but this it has been many years since I have had one. With that said, I had two previous other tanks, a 29g Biocube and a 65g custom setup. However, this is my...
  3. N

    Uronema and what to do now

    A few weeks back I picked up 10 Green Chromis from an online dealer, always wanted a school of chromis in my tank. Within 4 days from arrival 9 of the 10 had died from what appeared to be Uronema ( QT had been up and running for 6+ months with other fish having gone...
  4. HawaiiTanks808

    Help green chromis disease suspected

    I had heard chromis could sometimes pick each other off thats the only reason I didn't think to research till now. I'm new to chromis and had no idea there was a specific disease that could effect them. I've now lost 3 chromis to what I thought was aggression, they all ended up with this red...