green chromis

  1. O

    Why do green chromis fight with each other?

    Hi guys, I saw my alpha green chromis attacked smaller ones. Is this normal? I thought they are a schooling fish. I had 4 green chromis, 1 died and another has some physical injury. These fish are in my tank for 5 months. My tank is 3 feet long with: 1 Blue tang 1 Bristletooth thang 2...
  2. Randyciv03

    California Live Goods $2000 ALL LIVESTOCK, FISH, ROCK, CORAL

    $2000 OBO ALL LIVESTOCK AND ROCKS AND CORALS Inglewood Los Angeles Looking to start taking down the aquarium for a pending move. Have fish, coral, and rock. -Yellow Tang -Hippo Tang -Purple Tang -Powder Blue -Clown (Mated Pair) -Green Chromis -Blue Maxima Clam -Rainbow Anemone
  3. Hannahmunt

    What’s up with my green chromis

    A few days ago I bought one chromis to help the tank cycle and added colony. He was looking sad so today I bought two more, all have been fine swimming and eating. But itve just noticed one of them in the corner vertical not looking to good. I have attached picture. Is there anything I can do...
  4. ito2

    Green chromis looks weird.

    Hey guys , I’m looking to see if anyone can help me identify what’s wrong with my green chromis. A little over 2 days ago , I introduced him into my DT without quarantining him (Huge mistake on my end) and all seemed well for the time being, except for some minor clown aggression. This morning...
  5. mvhpets

    fish for a 30 gallon

    hi. i have a 30 gallon tank( and a 7 gallon sump which i plan to upgrade to a 20 gallon) with a pair of clowns and 1 goby. i wanted to add more fish and i was thinking i would add either bangdai cardinals or green chromis. how many of each would be nice for this tank without overstocking or...
  6. Nevada Wiseguy

    EMERGENCY Need Help Diagnosing Disease & How to Handle Without Quarantine Tank

    Hello! I am brand spanking new to these forums and this is a brand new 32g Biocube that I have. I am not new to saltwater tanks, but this it has been many years since I have had one. With that said, I had two previous other tanks, a 29g Biocube and a 65g custom setup. However, this is my...
  7. N

    Uronema and what to do now

    A few weeks back I picked up 10 Green Chromis from an online dealer, always wanted a school of chromis in my tank. Within 4 days from arrival 9 of the 10 had died from what appeared to be Uronema ( QT had been up and running for 6+ months with other fish having gone...