great barrier reef

  1. Clowny1221

    The most “Natural” Reef tank

    Hello I wanted to ask people here about building a all natural reef tank that would be fully elevated. What kind of lighting would be the best for mimicking the natural sunlight of the ocean, specifically the GBR? Also, what lighting would be possible to match the colours of blue when you dive...
  2. polyppal

    Earths SPS tank crashes… again :( Another mass bleaching event hit the GBR in 2022. “The surveys confirm a mass bleaching event, with coral bleaching observed at multiple reefs in all...
  3. MikeyG

    Keeping species from multiple oceans

    For the past few months i have been thinking about all the different species of fish and corals i have in my reef tank. Then it dawned on me that most of these species from the different oceans have most likely never intermingled with each other. When ee add them to our tanks it is most likely...
  4. pikos113

    Can anyone identify this coral? Help!

    Hello from me! I am preparing a small video on corals and I need to identify this coral as soon as possible. I know it is fluorescent and it exists on the great barrier reef. It looks like it is glowing red. Does anyone know how it is called? Many thanks in advance, Anastasia
  5. dcom

    Man-made Great Barrier. Interesting article
  6. MarineDepot

    A Fever in Our Oceans: A Chat with Zack Rago of Chasing Coral

    By now you probably have seen or heard of Chasing Coral, a Netflix original documentary that was released worldwide on July 14. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and was acquired by Netflix on the same day. Coral bleaching due to rising ocean temperatures is the focus of the film...
  7. Salty.Reefer

    Happy Saturday! Video from my GBR dive trip.

    HEY EVERYONE! Last year I took my girlfriend on a boat trip through the Great Barrier Reef for her 21st birthday. It was the most amazing thing I have ever done. This is a couple months before the wide spread bleaching event. I thought this forum would enjoy the video and the wide spread of...
Queen City Corals