good or bad

  1. Foggy Pirate

    Is this a bristle worm? Good or bad?

    Hey y’all, I posted on the first worm I found like a week or two ago and only got one response. But I just for another one and he’s a little darker than my first photos so maybe it tells y’all something different. He’s so small I found the sweet spot where my phone would focus. I haven’t put...
  2. nbaker47

    Question about identifying. Input needed

    Hey everyone I’m Nick! this is my first post! Just wondering if anyone is able to identify the little things swimming near the top of the tank in the red circle when I shut my flow off to replace the filter floss. They seemed to be squirming and swimming pretty quickly! I feel like they could...
  3. NoobReeferMom

    Need help to identify if this snail is good or bad?

    Please if anyone could let me know, I found a small snail on my newly bought chalice frag, there's plenty of snails in these tanks at the LFS where I purchased it from... Could someone pls help me identify it & let me know if it's good or bad?? Thank You so much.
  4. T

    Good or bad nudi

    Is this a Berghia or zoa eating nudi?
  5. Castaway6

    Bristle worms in a sexy shrimp 4 gal?

    I'm setting up a sexy shrimp and rock flower tank. A waterbox 4g. I've had it running a couple months with only a few rock flower nems. Recently bought gsp from a local reefer, and noticed a rather large (2+inches) bristle worm try to steal food from a nem during the last feeding. I presume he...
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