I'm planning on getting into saltwater, for 3 creatures in particular: The golden dwarf moray, the skunk cleaner shrimp, and the blood red fire shrimp. I want to make a reef tank out of a 32.5 gallon fluval flex (apparentally the light grows all of the easy tentacled corals that i love) and am...
Hi! This is kind of a sequel to one of my previous posts, (would a golden dwarf moray work in this setup) and now have a few more questions. I’m wondering how my fish would do with the GDM? I have a melanurus wrasse, (he’s pretty small, around 3 inches long maybe, and not wide, and when he...
I am looking to see if a golden dwarf morray eel would work in the setup I have now. It is a 32 gallon biocube, I have 2 clowns and a small melanurus wrasse (he’s small now and I am rehoming him when he gets too big). Would the tank be too small to sustain him? Liveaquaria says 30 is min but...
The title pretty much says it all. I’ve seen some people say that they shouldn’t be with fish, others say they’ve had their eel everything and it’s done nothing. If someone who has experience could chime in, That would be great! Thanks!
I have a beautiful 6-9 inch dwarf golden moray eel for sale. He has a coloration that is very difficult to find amongst golden dwarf morays, and will make a great collectors fish for any reef tank. Ive had no issues with him going after anything in my tank, and have him eating rods food predator...