golden algae

  1. noobreefer2

    Solving my chrysophytes issue one and for all

    Hey everyone, I have been battling this stubborn algae in my tank for the past two years, and I want to finish it. I haven't been consistent with my treatments, which is probably why most of it is still here. Catch up on the progress from the previous thread about it...
  2. noobreefer2

    Dino/Diatom thoughts

    Hello everyone, recently I started to see hair-like film algae appear on my rocks, at first I thought it was diatoms because of the hairiness, I thought that dinos were more snot-like. I went to my LFS and picked up 5 Astrea snails to eat the supposed diatoms (Pic of the film): I don't know if...
  3. LilElroyJetson

    Still Not ID’ed...Diatom? Bacterial Bloom?

    I thought I’d ID’ed this stuff as Licmophora sp. but now that I’ve let it grow out, I’m not so sure. It’s a brown-ish white looking feather protruding from the live rock in mostly high light intensity areas and emerging from what looks like existing algae. Salinity: 1.025 Temp: 78.6 Ammonia: 0...
  4. reeferfoxx

    Chrysophytes?! Help me cure it?

    Chrysophyta (golden-brown algae) The Chrysophyta are the golden-brown algae and diatoms, which respectively account for 1,100 and 40,000-100,000 species of unicellular algae. These algae occur in both marine and fresh waters, although most species are marine. The cell walls of golden-brown algae...
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