goby missing

  1. NHDude47

    Goby and Pistol Disappeared - Under the Substrate?

    Looking for an opinion from experienced reefers. I have a Wheelers Goby and Candy Pistol. They paired up and the shrimp started burrowing. Goby stood by the top of the burrow for about a week as the shrimp did its thing. Goby never tried entering the burrow (the shrimp is TINY — about 1cm long —...
  2. 3

    Yellow watchman goby & tiger pistol disappeared?

    Wondering if anybody else with a paired goby/pistol shrimp has experienced this. We got a yellow watchman goby last Wednesday and put him in the tank with a tiger pistol at the same time. They hit it off within 30 min and paired. BFFs. Later that night, the shrimp took off and made a burrow with...
  3. E


    I have recently purchased a golden sleeper goby and pistol shrimp pair as well as a diamond sleeper goby for my tank. I have seen the golden goby but the shrimp and Dimond goby are mia. I know there in the tank I just want to know if it’s ok for the diamond goby to completely Burry it’s self not...
  4. DeLegge90

    Sleeper Goby Disappearance Due To Polyclad Flatworm Toxin?

    I added a sleeper goby to my tank about 2 months ago, and it went missing about 3 days ago. No major changes to water parameters - everything kept in check. I have the tank covered so it couldn't have jumped, it has plenty of fine sand to sift through, as well as plenty of hiding spots, and was...
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