
  1. CincyReefer07

    What’s the likelihood this Glue is reef safe??

    I feel absolutely terrible and a little annoyed. Got my dad involved in a diy acclimation box build for my tank. We got all the pieces cut, drilled a bunch of holes in the acrylic. And he was off work that week and asked me if I wanted him to go ahead and glue it together for me while he was...
  2. Emma.

    What coral glue do you use?

    Hi, What kind of coral glue do you use and are you able to use it underwater before it cures? I was recommended the Seachem Reef Glue but I wanted to know if there were other products or is that glue the way to go? I also heard of people using the gorilla glue but can I glue the frags completely...
  3. AquasKy

    Modifying a 5.5 gallon lid

    I have a 5.5 gallon acrylic bow front that came with a plastic lid with a built in light. The light is just way too bright for any fish to be in there comfortably so rather than trying to find a different lid, I would like to cut a window into the top of the lid and install a piece of clear...
  4. Schraufabagel

    Bulk Reef Supply glue came in liquid form. How can I solidify it?

    This has happened twice now to two glue orders from @Bulk Reef Supply . It was extremely liquidly, unlike the usual gel form it's in. Does anyone happen to know how to get it back to the gel state (I already tried shaking for a short bit and that doesn't do anything)? Heat it? Freeze it? Shake...
  5. B

    Canadian Looking For Gluemaster Thin? Found a Great Alternative!

    Hey All, For any Canadian people who have been having trouble getting their hands on Gluemasters Thin glue for their aquascapes, I tired about 6 different glues on test pieces and by far the BEST alternative I found is CECCORP's Extra Thin. Runs like water and sets almost instantly when using...
  6. beehive124

    EMERGENCY Help I got glue on my coral!

    Hi all, I was recently gluing a piece of rubble with a mushroom on it and i got a small amount of glue on its foot and polyp. Will it be ok? What do I need to do to remedy the situation?
  7. 99gtbaby

    Loctite extreme glue for gluing frags and live rock together

    Can I use this to secure my live rock and to attach coral frags to live rock?
  8. E

    Glueing lps skeleton

    So I was just wondering if I could glue part of the side of a frogspawn skeleton that has aptasia or something growing on it? It’s near the bottom of the skeleton but kind of on the side as well.
  9. ssunthar

    To use the flag plug in the reef or not?

    Hi Experts, the frag plugs are good in placing/holding the frags in place on the rocks in the tank but in many cases it doesn't enhance the beauty of corals growing naturally on those rocks (this is my personal view only). Is it a good or bad practice to always remove the frag from the plug and...
  10. ADAM

    Glue Accelerator Tip

    I don’t really like the spray bottle the super glue accelerator comes in and wanted to be able to apply the accelerator directly to the glue joint. I know the accelerator is “safe”, however I would prefer to keep as much off the coral tissue as possible. It finally dawned on me to try a glass...
  11. Lex_510

    Gluing pvc to sump bulkhead??? Yes or no

    Is it a rule to glue The PVC to the sump bulkhead on the top side? is there any pros and cons? And what about the bottoms side
  12. Reefahholic

    How to make your own DIY Home-Made “Insta-Set” Accelerator

    Are you about to create an Aquascape and wanna save $6-7 on each bottle of Insta-Set? Yes, you’ll likely need a lot. Well, you may be interested in making your own. Here’s two formulas below. Please post up if you try one of these and let us know how it worked out or which one worked better for...
  13. D

    dihydroxybenzene in Glue

    Hi Planning on doing some NSA aqua scaping for a new build I usually gorilla but as I need a lot I found some superglue locally that is cheap and comes in large pots. Tested it on a couple of pieces of test rock and seems really good but noticed it has dihydroxybenzene as an ingredient as well...
  14. C

    Package Deal "Pro' fragging and pest removal kit. LPS, SPS, and softies.

    I'm broke, not getting any hours at work (as an ER nurse... Go figure) and have run out stuff to frag. Most of these are new unused or used once or twice. Stainless steel "Pro grade" fragging and pest removal kit: -3 sizes of scapels with safety covers for each -10 individual wrapped surgical...
  15. Homebrewer

    Should I correct this chalice placement?

    Hey all, I would appreciate some advice/thoughts on this one. I bought a tiny frag of Miami Hurricane a few months ago. It had only two eyes and it was (is) mounted to a “T” style frag plug. I’m an experienced (14-year) reefer and have a few chalices already. My typical way of mounting is to...
  16. H


    Simple can I use E6000 to glue dry rocks together?
  17. ZoWhat

    UNDERWATER GLUING - best method to get it right the first time, every time

    You have your coral growing nicely on a frag plug on a frag rack.... now you want to permanently glue the frag disk/plug to your LR. But this requires UNDERWATER gluing bc the LR is its impossible to remove the LR. You keep failing bc: * frag disk wont adhere to the LR bc the...
  18. Lylelovett

    Superglue and accelerator - safe?

    Hi all, I had a pile of rubble that I wanted to make use of so I glued it together with superglue into some nice shapes, but to get it to hold well I used the spray accelerator. I noticed the rock still had a little bit of the odor of the accelerator so I've been soaking it in a bucket of RODI...
  19. M

    Aquascape with TLF Stax rocks

    Hi, I ordered 80lbs of Two Little Fishies Stax Rocks and I try to find the best way to blue them together. not in one big block but in bunch of few piece to make them stack like lego blocks. I plan to glue them dry then, cure them for maybe a month or two. I found many product that could do...
  20. Hugo Garcia

    What is the best way to glue your live rock?

    Hi guys, I was wondering what was the best to glue and stack live rock, to create taller columns on my tank? Right now I have a very plain and simple aquascape, but was think in buying more live rock to make it more complex This is how it looks now: I'd like to make a column higher on...
  21. jsbull

    AquaScape Fix by Fauna Marin - Review and Video

    I recently had to rebuild my tank due to leached heavy metals, so I used all new rockwork. That's a lot of aquascaping, so I decided to try the new AquaScape Fix by Fauna Marin. I have absolutely fallen in love with it, so I decided to do a quick video on how I use it. Note that it has no...
  22. potatocouch

    Gluing/Placing coral permanently question

    Folks said not to glue coral when you got em ... because they may not like the spot. But then if you want to trial an awkward spot where gluing is a must, don't you glue it there and see how it goes? It's like trial-n-error ?