gill flukes

  1. T

    EMERGENCY I think flukes

    My wrasse has been acting like he has had flukes for the last two weeks. I have been feeding mysis with seachem focus+metroplex. He has been eating everyday even on his worst seeming days so I didn't ever worry. I don't have an air stone so I was going to get one today incase this was an oxygen...
  2. J

    Royal Gramma Sudden Death

    Hello, I unfortunately lost a 2+ year old Royal Gramma to some unknown issue. Up until about a week ago, it was actively eating, swimming out and about, and looked perfect and vibrant. One morning I noticed it didn't come out for food, thought it was strange, but didn't think about it. As the...
  3. violetjones

    EMERGENCY Anyone have experience with Prazipro in display?

    Anyone have experience with prazipro in a mature reef tank? I have gill flukes and trying to weigh the possible consequences on corals and other inverts. Obviously have to take out the feather duster. Anything else?
  4. S

    EMERGENCY Gill Flukes / Velvet ?

    This week I noticed a couple of my fish were "gone" following a quick business trip to Houston for a few days... That being said I found my yellow clown goby at night swimming frantically all around the tank acting very abnormal with possibly red gills from what I could make out which died the...
  5. markon87

    Royal Gramma scratching

    Hi All, last week I purchased Royal Gramma and placed it in a QT tank. After few days I saw it scratching against the heater and I started copper (copper safe) treatment. Copper lever is on 2ppm according to API test kit. Two days later and I see it scratching every now and then. Sometimes 3-4...
  6. TheStripedHermit

    Immortal flukes in a fallow tank

    I am going mental now. Everything is fine in my display tank with Ph being 8.0, ammonia being 0 and the same can be said for nitrite, phosphates and nitrates. Yet as soon as I added some tank water to quarantine, it only took a day for the chromis in quarantine to show signs of gill flukes as...
  7. TheStripedHermit

    Could this be gill flukes or something else?

    I have left my DT fallow of fish for over a year now and I currently have a blue green chromis in my QT for about 2 weeks but ever since I added a scoop full of DT water to the QT to make sure theres nothing in it, my chromis progressively started showing trouble to eat food when I did this a...
  8. N

    Swollen Gill

    I purchased this orchid dottyback 2 weeks ago and It has had this one slightly puffed gill the entire time. At least I think it is slightly enlarged from its other. I thought maybe it was just an injury it sustained as I got two and they quarrelled the first day. They both hunt pods constantly...
  9. TheStripedHermit

    EMERGENCY Unknown disease killing fish

    When the fish enters the tank it is perfectly healthy and eating regularly however its appetite slowly begins to go down until it stops eating, this is noticeable after two weeks. By around the third it starts flashing against rocks and erratically swimming all over the tank causing bruises and...
  10. Starlight2017

    Gill Flukes? Acoel Flatworms?

    Hi everyone. I found this forum on Google while trying to search for info and pictures to try and identify what is going on in my saltwater tank and am new to this forum. So here is where I am (hope you have a large coffee or drink to get you thru this book I am about to give you). Main Tank...
  11. R

    Tomini Tang with Red Face

    Hi all, Unfortunately, I have what appears to be another sick fish. My tomini tang has a red face, stopped eating, and is swimming in a back and forth jerky motion. His breathing also seems to be slightly elevated. Ammonia and nitrite show test 0 ppm and nitrate at 10-20 ppm. Any ideas what it... - All-In-One Aquarium Filtration