ghost feeding

  1. Reaper_Six_Four

    Traditional (no product/ghost feeding/in tank fish) cycling vs using products such as Dr. Tims....

    So I'm building my second tank and looking for other ways of cycling it (I cycled the previous one the "traditional" way by introducing some bacteria through a used filter and ghost feeding, no issues encountered). I've been polling other threads in FB and everyone suggest "time" and patience...
  2. aws2266

    How long to see an ammonia spike ghost feeding?

    I'm cycling a 120g by ghost feeding. I've been adding 1-2 cubes of some crappy frozen fish food by fish hate. The ammonia quickly rose to .50ppm after the first day but stalled and is now at .25ppm. Should I be looking for a larger spike to come or was that it? Keep in mind this is a system...
  3. Pierce168

    New Reefer!

    Hello everyone! My girlfriend and I have decided to get into the hobby and we are setting up the new tank for clownfish. We have done about a month of research and we just now set up the tank and RO/DI system. I have yet to mix the salt and water. I have plenty of questions but I think for now I...
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