geo 618

  1. jsbzcmcdaniel

    Dosing Package Deal Drygoods GEO 618 Calcium Reactor Package

    GEO 618 Calcium Reactor package - $550 Shipped Includes - GEO 618 Calcium Reactor Carbon Doser - CO2 Regulator 5lb CO2 Tank - Full Tank not included if not sold locally. Created new sale thread as the original became too crowded and messy. Price reduced to move quickly. Tank needs to be...
  2. bdare

    Large Build BDare's 210 Mixed Reef

    Hello all, Long time R2R lurker here. Been keeping aquariums my whole life and reef tanks since about 2005. Six years ago I shut down a 120 and I've been missing it ever since. The bug has got me and now I'm planning a new 210 gallon tank. Equipment Tank - 210 Gallon Planet Aquaruims 72L x...
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