general aquarium discussion

  1. Starfishandseahorse

    Urchin releasing fountain of white balls

    UPDATE: Every response I receive confirming the balls are poop gets to play a part of the mounting evidence that I just spent multiple hours of my life staring at, photographing, and squishing urchin feces (multiple times) with my bare hands. Then I posted about it online for all to see...
  2. A

    If you could pick just ONE coral for a (species) nano tank, what would it be?

    Alas, my tanks I started in 2021 are no longer in existence. Not everything in my pico was doing well, and then I had to move and start graduate school so all that was torn down. But I am waffling between a new planted freshwater tank or a new nano saltwater. But Keeping it simple. I would want...
  3. Aiptaisia anemone

    Evolution of reef keeping.

    Hi, any old reefers here? I mean any people that keep reef tanks when it’s not cool? Like back in year 1900 (I’m dumb with numbers) ?. I’m really curious about the history of saltwater keeping, how it’s like back in the day, or how technology improve making the hobby easier, and what technology...
  4. Sakosreef

    Show us your model citizen/citizens!

    Hi everyone! I've been curious to see which fish you've kept that turned out to be a model citizen. For me, it's definitely my blue star leopard wrasse, wouldn't hurt a thing and as peaceful as can be. Which one of your fish is a model citizen? Let's chat
  5. A

    Leptastrea ID

    Hi guys, I have this leptastrea I bought a few weeks ago but don’t know the breed. Could someone Identify it please? Thanks in advance! Sorry for the bad pic I’ll have one under witch light in the morning
  6. Cfellini91

    Rookie Mistake was made; I crashed my tank. Seeking advice as I move forward. Help with Damage Control.

    Two weeks ago I made the worst mistake to date when it comes to my nano. I went to dose my iodine (Lugol's) and did 2 drops instead of one. Then I dose double the amount of trace elements. I had planned to do a 20% WC the following morning. It seemed to be too late. My zoas, green stars, lepto...
  7. TopShelfAquatics

    Broadcast Feeding VS Target Feeding Corals: What is your preference and why?

    Broadcast feeding VS target feeding corals has been a long standing discussion and debate in this hobby. Do you personally notice a different feeding response in your corals when broadcast feeding VS target feeding.. Continue Reading..
  8. Marie7

    Do you Preferred to use on your system bio-balls or sleeve sock?

    Hi guys, I have a question to you all, I been in this hobby for few years already, I must say that I enjoyed very much, I have deal with different equipment's and changing slowly into a more sophisticated or updated systems with the goal of keep my reef safe and everything running and working...