
  1. greyduck-reef

    BTA - possible bacterial infection?

    Hi R2R - I've had a green bubble tip anemone for about a month and it's my first try at keeping one. It settled on the shady side of a rock (PAR = 90) on its first day and hadn't moved since. I understand they often need higher light, but it looked content so I just let it be. I also didn't feed...
  2. ReeferpoweredReef

    OLD reefer NEW to R2R -- 14 biocube

    Hello everyone! Old man reefer here saying hello to all of you young hip kids with your reef tanks! Here's mine! 12 years young and pretty much self sustainable. With a little help from me ;) dose with Kent nano reef part A/B, spot feed with coral smoothie, pair of mocha clowns, goby, peppermint...
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