
  1. Coral Love

    Pennsylvania Live Goods Hellfire & Gold Finger $80/head

    Back with more LPS: Goldfinger torch - 80/Head Hellfire torch - 80/Head Indo Gold Hammer - 40/Head Indo Rainbow Frammer - 40/Head Anemones GBTAs - 25 EA
  2. J

    Bubble tip anenome attached hanging under rock; is this normal?

    I got a bubble tip anenome today (I know it’s bleached, I couldn’t get a good look at it in the store. any good tips for having to come back besides frequent feedings/good Params) and in a few hours it’s moved to this underhang in my rock, but I’m not sure how to feed it since frozen food floats...
  3. M

    EMERGENCY Green Bubble Tip Anemone

    So this is my green bubble tip anemone looks like when lights are out. Is it bleaching cause the color looks pale?
  4. M

    Green Bubble tip not doing well

    Hi guys Looking for some advice, any input is appreciated... Our green bubble tip is 3 months old in the tank, tank is a year old. No temperature swings (79F), ph 8.0, around 35ppm nitrates average and 0 amonia/nitrite. It went hiding about a week and a half ago, and stayed hiding under a cave...
  5. WavesAreMyMantra

    GBTA and actinic lighting ONLY?!

    I am curious to get input on how well my GBTA will do under actinic lighting ONLY for a few days and then acclimate her, yes her (hehehehe), back up to the whites. I am trying to get rid of GHA, what little bit I have before it takes control. OR any suggestions on how to get rid of it? I know...
  6. J

    Help! Is my GBTA dead??

    We have had this green bubble anemone for a few weeks now. He finally chose a spot last week and has stayed put. He has been inflating/deflating on and off but his mouth has seemed healthy for the most part. He was fine last night and this morning he looks like this! There is a big emerald crab...
  7. thinktank

    Green BTA added to tank - not sure if acting normal?

    Hi all, I recently added a Green Bubble Tip Anemone (at least, that's how it was identified at the LFS and what it seems to be). It was added to my 100 gallon system last Thursday night and immediately took to the lower left corner of the tank, away from rocks, and attached itself to the back...