
  1. WilkCP216

    Goby Grabbing Air at Surface

    My husband and I have had our tank for almost a year now. All of our fish and tank mates we've had for about 9 months. 40G Breeder Long with Live Rock 3 powerheads (2 small, 1 big) Ammonia- 0ppm Nitrite- 0ppm Nitrate- 26.9ppm (we know its high, it's due for a water change tomorrow) Salinity-...
  2. derek170

    Sick Firefish

    My firefish goby is hardly moving, also is gasping for air. Not eating either. I tested salinity and its at 1.025. Any suggestions on saving the fish are appreciated..
  3. C

    Diagnosis & Treatment

    I have a 32g Biocube tank with 2 clowns, 2 fire fish and 1 mandarin goby. I have some softies and LPS. For invertebrates, have BTA, cleaner shrimp, crabs, snails. Today, all of a sudden, all but mandarin are flashing. One clown has been periodically hanging near surface of water with rapid...
  4. K

    Dying Tang

    Hey everyone, I got a Bristletooth Tomini from a sale at my LFS 3 days ago and he's looking very bad today. He didn't look great when I got him, a bit beat up looking (thought he'd been stung by some coral), but he was grazing and seemed active and alert. He hasn't eaten much since I got him...
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