
  1. L

    Growth on live rock

    Very new to saltwater tanks. I have a few things growing on my live rock and was hoping someone could identify it for me. New tank 1 month old, 10g nano tank. Test results have all been good and within the recommended levels. See images of growth attached. Also noticed a bunch of clear looking...
  2. Dylan7huskies

    White fuzz growing all over

    I’ve noticed a white fuzz growing all over my tank, wondering what this is and if there is a way to get rid of it. The tank has been up for 2 years, it’s a 20 gallon. Checked all my parameters and they’re all good (salinity 1.025, temperature 80).
  3. E

    Unknown white fizzy things

    I keep finding these white fuzzy type things all over my rocks and I’m concerned about what they are, hopefully you can tell what they are in the pictures, if not I will try and take better photos
  4. Reefaddict585

    Anybody know what this lil guy is and should I be worried?

    Not really familiar with this worm? Not sure what it is but I have several of them in my sump and was wondering if I should remove them or just let them be.
  5. Topdog8327

    Help! Looking to id this critter.

    Hey everyone. I’m looking to get an id on what I think is a snail? I just want to make sure I don’t need to pull it out! Thank you. I do have a video as well but can’t upload from my phone for some reason. But it moves just like a snail.
  6. A

    White dot appeared on clownfish face

    Hi, I just reintroduced my clownfish to my display tank after a 3 month QT period. After a day he developed a sort of white fuzzy patch on his white band. Today I noticed a single white dot on his face. Since the DT was fallow for 3 months, and he was in QT for 3 months I am wondering if this is...
  7. GentlePuffer

    New Jersey S/T Fuzzy dwarf Lionfish in jersey shore area

    Beautiful tame 4inch Fuzzy Dwarf available for sale or trade in jersey shore area. Was in my Predator nano tank and eats pellets, freeze dried, frozen food. Is not afraid of people, will stare at you all day and interact with you. Does jump so lid required. Looking to add more corals and need...
  8. Decat

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish, which tank should he go in?.....

    Here is my Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish in quarantine: Should I put him in my Coral Display (located in the middle of the sump below my FOWLR predator tank): Or should he go in my Damsel Tank: I have never had a Lionfish, so I am not sure which option would be the best for him. Do you think the...
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