fusion lagoon

  1. N

    HELP ME PLZ BEFORE I GO CRAZY! IM 50 Gallon Lagoon Pro AIO Skimmer/Overflow Questions

    I upgraded to the Fusion Pro 2 AIO 50 Lagoon last year for my mixed reef. Sorry for the long post/rant but I need help! Main question at bottom. I was running my old nano skimmer (unsure of the model, I originally bought it in 2015) in it even though it was way too small for the tank, it was...
  2. wesleyferrell94

    AIO Build Bringing my IM Fusion 25 Lagoon back to life... for the fourth time

    I have been in and out of the hobby since 2013. Currently keeping a 25gal IM Fusion lagoon that I originally bought to be a frag tank. not long after setting up the tank I got married and eventually moved the tank to my In-laws where it got basic maintenance for a few months, then a move to mine...
  3. wesleyferrell94

    Hello Long time listener first time poster

    First time posting here. I have been in and out of the hobby since 2013. Currently keeping a 25gal IM Fusion lagoon. Corals: Branching hammer Acan Lord Neon green Stylophora Bird of paradise seriatopora Purple styliphora Green star polyp my livestock is: Ocellaris Clown fish Blue damsel Six...
  4. Caleb M

    Build Thread First Build thread with my AIO IM 25G Lagoon

    Hello everyone this is going to be the process of my 25g lagoon tank, sadly I cant set up the tank just yet and also sadly not anytime soon but sooner then most ha ha. There are quite a few things I gotta do first. Gotta do it right and slow, slow is smooth smooth is fast ha ha Still gotta get...
  5. Angelo Fatica

    Build Thread My 25 Gallon Build Thread

    Hello all! Recently I've noticed that my current tank has started to get air in the silicone seals and I figured that maybe a tank upgrade would be appropriate. I want to do things right this time. I am going to be upgrading from an IM Nuvo 20 to a Lagoon 25. Since I did not have enough pictures...
Tenecor Aquariums