fungus on clownfish

  1. RedFrog211

    Holes developing in fins

    With the recent tropical storm that hit the US, my house had no power for 60 hours. I had to relocate the fish to a shop we own. I noticed a splotch on my clown’s pectoral fin, but knew there wasn’t much I could do. (I was at work when the storm hit and the tank had gone 16 hours without power...
  2. Mramon396

    I think my clownfish may have fungus

    I’ve had my juvenile clownfish for 4 days now and all my test come out at zero with a ph of 8.2 and but the smaller one seems to have some kind of cloudiness on his fins and his tail seems to bo a bit torn although not positive. They are not patches it’s just some clodiness that I noticed on his...
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