fu manchu

  1. Kyuubi

    Fu manchu lion compatibility

    So I have a yellow spotted scorpionfish (about 1”) and saw a fu Manchu lionfish (about 1.5”-2”?) for sale, I was wondering if they would be okay in the same tank at their sizes or should I place the lion in a separate tank. My scorpionfish eats large Amphipods, but I also have saltwater grass...
  2. Zoa_Fanatic

    Predator for a biocube 16?

    Can I get a small angler or fu man chu in a 16?
  3. Spydersweb

    Help me choose my dwarf lionfish

    Hello all, when I finish cycling my 90 gallon FOWLR, I want to build around a dwarf lionfish, but I’m on the fence as to which one. There are things I like about each one. I like the zebra for it’s more traditionally lionfish appearance, I like the fu Manchu because I love the way they hunt...
  4. H

    Fu Manchu in the future

    Always had a special spot in my heart for Fu's, as it was a Fu that got my over my anxiety about having my hands in the tank with venomous fish when I first started working at my LFS a little over two years ago. After we sold him I hadn't seen one/been able to get one in until today, but of...
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