fry tank

  1. SimplyVibing

    Heating fry tanks

    Hi, I’m starting my journey breeding clownfish. I will have three pairs (I’d start with one, but I already have three unpaired female clownfish so why not?). If each pair lays twice a month, I’ll reasonably need 6 fry tanks. I’m going to divide a 55 gal into 6 sections that are ~9.5 gallons...
  2. LatinKing

    Question: Siphon or move pot to a fry tank???

    Question for experience clownfish breeder. Wondering what percentage will siphon the larvae after hatching in the same tank or do you take out the pot and move to a fry tank to hatch? Which is your preference and why? For those that siphon, please explain procedure and what materials is used.