
  1. huwa

    Two Pairs of 4 Day Old Conjoined Dwarf Seahorses Born in my Tank

    First post on the forum! Just about a month ago, I finally got dwarf seahorses again, setting up a slightly experimental tank for them in a 34g Solana cube AIO... So far so good, with 19 adults and several babies with more on the way! 4 days ago, one of my pregnant males gave birth to a handful...
  2. SimplyVibing

    Heating fry tanks

    Hi, I’m starting my journey breeding clownfish. I will have three pairs (I’d start with one, but I already have three unpaired female clownfish so why not?). If each pair lays twice a month, I’ll reasonably need 6 fry tanks. I’m going to divide a 55 gal into 6 sections that are ~9.5 gallons...
  3. SimplyVibing

    How to enrich rotifers?

    Okay so this is a newbie question, but I haven’t been able to find ANY info about it online. How do you enrich your rotifers? I will be using Selcon. This question is specifically relating to feeding clownfish fry; the goal is to increase HUFAs in live food to (hopefully) better survival rates.