fromia starfish

  1. ksir17

    Red Fromia…HELP!

    I have had this red fromia for a little while now and overnight I noticed what is shown in the picture. Parameters are all stable, no fluctuations. It’s not looking good at all, any ideas on what is happening?
  2. vaguelyreeflike

    Chocolate Chip Stars compatibility with other stars?

    I know chocolate chips will prey on other stars but does that include every star? We have a chocolate chip tank at work and then a reef safe star tank for the linckias, was hoping I wouldn’t have to spare another tank for something like red knobs
  3. J

    Fromia starfish tissue expelling?

    Hello, I've had a fromia starfish for a few days now. Today I noticed some tissue coming out of one of the legs. The first couple days it was moving around and up on the glass, but this afternoon it was down kind of slumped down on the sand and glass. I drip acclimated it on Saturday (so 6...
  4. ajtomase

    Starfish, urchin, or both in tank

    I've heard that pincushion and tuxedo urchins will starfish. Has anyone experienced that, or is it safe to keep both in the tank at the same time?
  5. MrDeathKills

    Starfish and which ones are okay to own.

    So I have had verying degrees of information. Can not find a big thread on what starfish are good and “bad”. Are there any Starfish that will actually adapt and be fine with tank life? I would like to stay towards the super colorful range but if that is not possible its fine. Any and all care...
  6. IMG_0647


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