frogspawn trouble

  1. M

    Frog spawn not opening and I found this

    Frogspawn not opening
  2. nanofishtankenjoyer

    EMERGENCY Frogspawn wall colony is not extending, dying?????

    Hi, just received my frogspawn wall colony from a shipment, it has acclimated to my tank. The colony has been in my tank for 1 day now and it's the same size. is it dying. NEED help. My water conditions are normal, magnesium is low but increasing with daily dosage. However, my hammers in the...
  3. jlayne503

    frogspawn not opening

    Hey experts, I have a frogspawn that I recently got and it has not been doing well. It was fully extended when it was at my lfs, but ever since I brought it home, it has never been the same. I have some other corals in the tank (acan, favia, candy cane, and a hammer.) They are all doing fine...
  4. Cantusaurus

    Euphyllia starting to randomly recede...? Not sure why... :(

    Hi, I am pretty concerned right now. My 5 head Pink Hammer I got about 1.5 months had lost one head last week. I cut off the head, and dipped it, but it continued to worsen and died. Then recently I noticed my little octospawn I got at the same time is starting to show a bit of skeleton. It...
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