
  1. seafarer's.reef

    walking batfish friend

    Recently bought a walking batfish at the fish store, been wanting one for years. I have a plan to get it eating, however, has anyone else had experience with one? Would be cool to learn something I've maybe overlooked for greater success.
  2. K

    Bloated frog fish

    My frog fish is abnormally boated not sure if it’s he ate about five 1 1/2 inch fish about 3 days ago but just started getting really swollen could he have gulped air?
  3. R

    Frogfish and tank

    So I am pretty new to reefing but my dad knows a lot (so I will be getting help from someone with experience) . I'm getting into the hobby and were are going to get a frogfish. I have done extensive research on these guys and understand that they mainly take live food. I have no problem with...
  4. chair

    Frog fish ownership

    A couple of things I'm hoping the r2r community can help me answer... 1. A reputable source for buying frogfish online 2. The most ideal water parameters or unique things I should be doing for my frogfish tank (Temp lighting MG etc) 3. Feeding amount, diet variation and supplementing 4. Can...
  5. G


    Can I put any frog fish in a squared 15 gal it has a protein skimmer and it has a curved glass
  6. D


    I was wondering if a good hanging filter with a protein skimmer would do well for a 30g frogfish coral tank? I'll be willing to get a different type but this is the easiest option right now. I'm turning the tank from fresh to salt and I already have a small hang on filter that I'm sure wouldn't...
  7. Michelesreef

    Is my Frogfish growing or not?

    Hi there, we have had Mochi, our wartskin frogfish, for almost a year now and we feed him approx. 2 saltwater shrimp every other day and he has stayed there same size (about an inch) for maybe 6-8 months. It just doesn’t seem like he is growing and I’m not sure why. I don’t want to over...
  8. gobybryant

    Frogfish ID

    Can someone help me ID this frogfish species? @lion king thanks!
  9. R

    Converting reef to fish only tank

    I have a 36 gallon reef. I’ve been really busy and I’m not home for most of the summer so my family has been taking care of my tank. I’ve already had 2 coral die since they’ve been taking care of it. I’ve been considering converting my tank into a predator tank. In terms of fish atm I have 2...
  10. Azurenoace

    Frogfish tank mates

    Hi, i want to add frog fish, i have some question to ask: 1. Does frogfish reef safe? 2. Does frogfish eat sand starfish & turbo snail? 3. Is feeding frogfish with freshwater fish is okay? Thanks
  11. Michelesreef

    Is Mochi breathing too hard? I'm worried...

    Hey everyone! So I got my dream fish; Mochi. :) He's a baby daddy frogfish and he is doing fine...I think..? I know they breathe "harder" than other fish...but I attached a video...can anyone tell me if he is breathing TOO hard?? Note: he did eat a shrimp yesterday....
  12. BloopFish

    Frogfish Mouth Damaged?

    Just got in an order from online, and I noticed immediately after putting the frogfish in it's holding tank that it had something weird going on with its mouth. It appears to have a damaged mouth? I see a broken bone and perhaps some exposed flesh, and it opens and closes as the fish breathes...
  13. Bleakborn

    Training a Frogfish Question/Help

    Hello, Over the last month I have begun training my frogfish on eating frozen silversides, today he took it but I couldn't get the line out out the silverside before he ate it completly, and I had to slowly pull the line out of him, during this time he inhaled a bunch of water into his stomach...
  14. UnderwaterGamer

    Nano Build Nick's Nano Drop Off Build!

    After 2 years away from the hobby, I've decided to jump back in! Now I know this isn't some monster build, but nanos have always had a small place in my heart! I've decided to go with a 20 Gallon Nuvo Concept Peninsula tank, it offers a very unique style, while also being a nano AIO build...
  15. lazycouch


    hello everyone. do any frogfish people know if my juvenile wartskin (about 1-2”) will try to eat small snails? i have some small nassaurius snails the size of chocolate chips in his soon to be tank and i don’t want him trying to eat any and end up choking on the shell or something. I saw he was...
  16. gobybryant

    Build Thread Frogfish Tank - Nugg's Haus

    Hey all- Been a lurker here for a while, but decided to create a build thread for my latest tank :D When I rebooted this tank my goal was to create a beautiful macroalgae display that would require minimal maintenance. Along the way, I started to notice that most of the things I planned on...
  17. VLR3

    Clear slimy blob in my tank.

    For the second time in the last couple weeks I’ve found a blob of clear slimy stuff in my frogfish tank. There’s also a painter grouper in there. Does anyone have any idea what it is?
  18. |Tom the Bomb|

    Questions about frogfish tanksize, tankmates and care... and also connected tanks

    Is it possible to keep the smallest type of frogfish alone in a 20 gallon tank? I think the smallest one was the wartskin frogfish. Another question is that the 20 gallon cube will not have its own filter or heater but will have a light. It is connected to a larger tank that has filters...
  19. Polish_20200207_165521989.jpg


    Our late frogfish *Monster*
  20. Tiwo

    Frogfish help

    I have a painted frogfish (Antennarius pictus i believe) that i got on Saturday (5 days ago) I fed him a feeder fish on Sunday because the fish store had him on an every other day diet so i thought it would be best if i was consistent. He ate it with no problems. Then on Monday i noticed when i...
  21. Zach Sonker


    I am looking to buy a small warty frogfish. If you have one for sale please let me know. Thanks!
  22. Tiwo

    Nano Build Frogfish Tank Build/Questions

    So ive been really wanting to get a frogfish tank (specifically a painted or warty frogfish) for the past month or so but i have a few questions on them. Ive decided to go with the Fluval sea Evo 13.5 gal. I want to keep some corals such as zoas & softies maybe some lps down the line. As of...
  23. alexytman

    Painted vs warty frogfish

    What is the difference between those? Looking to get a variety of frogfishes.
  24. want2bsleepy

    Feeding Frogfish

    Hello all fellow frogfish owners! How often and what do you feed your frogfish? We just got a little 2-3 inch painted frogfish, and we were told once a week feeding of 1-2 ghost shrimp is good. It just doesn't seem like much to me, and Squishy, the frogfish, moves around a lot hunting and sticks...
  25. want2bsleepy

    Nano Build Frogfish Pico Surprise!

    Friday the 21st is my husband and my 10th wedding anniversary, and I am so excited to surprise him with a 3.5 gallon pico tank for his office!!! I just got the tank today via Amazon, a Marineland 3.5 contour, so today the adventure begins! When I get home I will set it up and get the cycle...