freshwater to salt

  1. O

    Fluval 32.5g Freshwater for Saltwater use?

    I found a very cheap Fluval 32.5g freshwater tank, I'm looking at the specs of the Saltwater v Freshwater versions on the fluval website and they seem to be near identical besides the internal hood light. I'm not sure if changing out the Aquasky LED to a Marine 2.0 is possible/been done before...
  2. N

    Cheap 20 gallon reef tank?

    Is it possible to have a cheap Reed tank that is 20 gallon? This includes RODI water system, lights, corals, fish, , etc. I have a 20 gallon tank with a rim and a penguin marineland filter that is currently running a freshwater tank, so my two questions are, can someone tell me if it is possible...
Aquarium Specialty