fresh water dip

  1. rapmelodies

    Freshwater dip.

    I had this go horribly wrong and lost a blue tang. I am trying to see where it went wrong. I had a blue tang being quarantined. When I bought him he was visually free of ick and very agressive eater. After about 10 days of observation I noticed very fast breathing and some flashing. His appetite...
  2. Davar93

    Hippo Tang in QT

    Hey everyone! I got a hippo tang in qt in copper. Wondering anyone advise against that? I heard of some of these guys getting HLLE from it? It’s eating well and lot of Nori, also swimming around too. Also I plan to do freshwater and Methylene blue dips.
  3. musaabi

    Bristol tooth tang sick?

    So my white bristle tooth tang had white spots on its body that looked rather large to look like ich. I figured it might be due to abrasions since he loves to swim into all the crevices or maybe a sting from my rbta as he seems daring. He does visit my skunk shrimp quiet often for cleaning and...
  4. RealWorld

    How stressful is not acclimating new fish? After all, isn’t a fresh water dip the exact opposite, but yet fish appear to survive it?

    It is my understanding that upon purchasing a new fish from LFS, it is customary to slowly acclimate the new fish to the water in the DT or QT, by slowly adding DT/QT water to the water from LFS. We do this to slowly change the chemistry and temp of the LFS water that the fish came with, to...
  5. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY Freshwater Dip

    Last resort for my clownfish was a freshwater dip after the medication I was using did nothing. Did a freshwater dip for a little over 5 minutes because he was swimming around so much I couldn’t catch him. Seemed like he was doing great, barely had to physically move him and make him swim. Saw...
  6. Zoa_Fanatic

    Need help with candy cane coral

    I Fw dipped a rock containing my two week old candy canes to get rid of a bobbit worm. It was a 3 minute dip. They look like crap 24 hours after. Please take a look at these and let me know if you think they can Regen. It’s a very small head that only cost me 20$ and is easily replaceable but...
  7. ChelseaBidwell

    Invert Fresh Water Dip / QT??

    We just bought the below inverts, and I wanted to know if a FW dip is necessary/safe for them and if QT is necessary. If QT is necessary, about how long for these guys? They won't go in the same QT if they do go to QT, mainly because of the Arrow Crab. 2 Emerald Crabs 1 Fighting Conch 2...
  8. Jaag

    Lucky To Have One Tank As It Is

    As the title says I am lucky enough to have one tank as it is (I have a 60 gal cube with a 18 gal sump). I will be getting some new fish in my tank here soon. I would really love to have a QT tank but a QT tank to my wife is just another tank. So with the circumstances I am in QT is not an...
  9. bchas41

    Freshwater Dips

    So i am getting close to adding livestock to my tank and I am a little stressed on the freshwater dips for the fish. As I match PH should it match my tank or the bag it is delivered in? Should i drip acclimate it before the freshwater dip? After the dip should i put it back in the original...
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