free anemone

  1. V

    purple tang and friends need new home

    Hello, I'm looking to rehome a purple tang, two clowns, two anemones, stripped pajama and maybe some gsp. Not looking for money just want to be convinced they're going to a good home. I'm in the Denver area. I'm changing jobs and potentially relocating. I won't be able sustain proper care of...
  2. Mr_Knightley

    Georgia Livestock Trade 10" Haitian anemone up for grabs (Local Pickup Preferred)

    Hey there folks! I've got a 10" Haitian Condylactis that needs a new home. She eats like a champ and has great color and zooxanthellae spread so no doubt it will adjust to a new aquarium. Since this photo was taken she has moved further out from the cave and is coming dangerously close to my...
  3. Dawsokj1988

    Texas Livestock Giveaway: Coral, Fish, and Live Rock (all at once)

    Hey all. I'm preparing to go to graduate school and I need to break down my 200-gallon reef. I've decided to give away my fish, corals, and live rock, with the stipulation that they'll find a great home. I'm not interested in shipping and require local pickup. Additionally, the person who...
  4. Ptinetti

    Free for Pickup - Healthy Condylactis Anemone

    I don't have privileges to post in the for sale area, so I am guessing that I will end up having to let the Anemone die if someone can't get it quickly. It starting to move around my tank this afternoon after being in one place for 6 months. Thankfully it has not gotten to my corals.