
  1. femmefishnewb

    AIO Build Prostar 90 - magic or tragic journey of newbie

    New to the r2r community and hobby. Grappling confusion with all the acronyms, equipments needed, and pvc? (Never have I). However excited to start my first fowlr tank and a quick learner maybe. Have this so far after 4 to 5 weeks -prostar 90 -300w heater (forgot brand already) -2 red sea reef...
  2. T

    Advise on stocking 240gal FOWLR

    Hello Everyone, I’m in the final stages of a custom 240gal FOWLR build and am trying to narrow down the stocking with the family. It’s been over 20years since I last had a tank (technically my father’s when I was growing up) and am having difficulty determining what sources to trust regarding...
  3. P

    Build Thread Prostar 90 FOWLR Build

    Hello, I finally have some time to put together a build thread on this tank! My goal is a FOWLR build but who knows where that'll take me. I was in the middle of a 40 breeder build when my wife found a Prostar 90 that was super cheap. I picked it up for 1/3 of the price off a guy who bought it...
  4. laconic

    Newbie FOWLR Questions

    My wife and I got into the hobby in January. We each have reef tanks, hers a Red Sea reefer 350 g2. Mine in an IM 10g in my home office. We are looking to do a large fowlr and from what I have pieced together, there are some differences. My main concern is getting everything I will need so...
  5. W

    Finalizing Stocking Plans for 120 Gallon FOWLR

    Been in the planning stages for months, lurking here, and gathering equipment for my 120 gallon build. Finally got everything together and started cycling the tank about a week ago. No livestock in the tank yet as I don’t want to rush anything (have before and learned from my mistakes) but...
  6. B

    Plumbing Debate on 250L FOWLR tank

    Hi All, New to saltwater but have several fresh tanks at the moment. I have a 250 Litre tank and will run this with a sump (socks, pro skimmer, media, return (size TBC)) and have a question regarding whether to have OR not have an overflow box. The tank would need to be drilled either way, and...
  7. th365thli

    Copper power with Kanaplex or Ruby Reef Rally?

    Recent events have me decide it best for me to treat my FOWLR display tank. I've just about moved all the inverts into a separate tank to go fallow. I plan on using Copper Power. For full coverage, would I be able to do Kanaplex or Ruby Rally at the same time? I also have Prazi but I don't...
  8. dracogrey

    Build Thread 90.3 Waterbox FOWLR is on the launch pad

    90.3 Waterbox FOWLR is on the launch pad. Though the launch pad has a water-stain on its door (irony!) so we're waiting for a replacement door before setting it up. It's been several weeks since the original order, so what's a few more...days. Door heights will be evened out when the new front...
  9. AydenLincoln

    Pennsylvania WTB Tank Donation and Supplies Needed!

    Hi everyone! I'm currently a student at Northampton Community College in Bethlehem, PA and I wanted to reach out on behalf of my Mom who is the Director of Education at Northampton Community College. Ever since getting a saltwater tank almost a year ago my Mom has expressed interest in getting a...
  10. E

    Sohal tang addition

    Hello, I have a 5 month old Fowlr tank that only has 3 fish. A 4 inches powder brown tang , a 6 inches scopas tang and a 7 inches foxface. I am thinking about adding a sohal tang and I would like to know what would be the largest tang I could get. Could the tang be 12 inches or would the size...
  11. vpierce3

    California SOLD Flame Angel -Sacramento -$50

    Selling my Flame Angel. Beautiful, fat and healthy. He’s about 3” long. Caught him going after my clam so he’s in my sump and needs a new home. I would like to sell to someone in the Sacramento area, I live near Placerville. $50. Here he is in the trap with my Sailfin.
  12. His Coral Highness

    Build Thread 75 FOWLR to Reef Tank Upgrade

    Started off about 2 years ago with an old 75 gallon tank I picked up at a garage sale with an old busted-up MDF stand. I redid the facade of the stand to cedar and added in 2x4 supports where I thought the stand would sag. Honestly I took it on as more of a woodworking project than an actual...
  13. BennyBlenny

    Advice on power head placement and flow amount

    Hello! I am new to the saltwater game and wanted some advice on powerhead placement. I have moved them probably 10 times and feel like I’m getting close. I have also read a ton of forums and articles, but would like some personalized feedback if possible. To start: this is a 55 gallon saltwater...
  14. K

    How many tank mates for a snowflake eel in a 50 gal?

    I am currently setting up a 50 gal FOWLR tank and was thinking about getting a snowflake eel. I’ve done some research on which fish are compatible but I was wondering if there were any recommendations on what tank mates and how many would be appropriate for that size tank?
  15. brandon14295

    Build Thread My first big salt aquarium 75g

    I finally got my 75g tank up and running. This is my second salt tank (first was a small 10g with two snowflake clowns). I have one clown left (the smaller one jumped out a couple weeks ago) and Im hoping to find him another partner and tank mates. I have 60 lbs of caribsea life rock on egg...
  16. introvert.invert_hba

    Build Thread Nano Tank - 1st tank

    Hii!! New here and new to aquariums. Background is marine science with emphasis on microbiology and water quality. Decided to get a tank on a whim over an adorable starfish I didn’t want to leave behind. Guy at PETCO (I know, I’m learning) helped set me up and said it *should* be okay to keep...
  17. B

    Aquascaping for a Zebra Moray Eel

    I am working on ideas for aquascaping my new 300 gallon FOWLR tank. I would like to have a zebra moray eel as part of my FOWLR tank and trying to figure out how I want to aquascape. I would like to use a PVC tunnel for the eel, but trying to figure out the right size. I can't find much...
  18. I

    USA WTB ISO!! Large Coris Wrasse

    HI there, Im looking for anyone who may be looking to rehome large coris wrasses either yellowtail/ red coris (coris gaimard) or black and white coris wrasse (coris flavovittata). hopefully in the range of 8-16". I've tried the small ones(3-4") and they tend to get pushed back during feeding or...
  19. Jsquarz

    Build Thread My 135 gallon fowlr tank

    first update on my new 135 gallon fowlr tank. I’m 3 months into my tank and taking steps slowly. I have recent just did a dIY 40 gallon sump and finally set it up. My equipment being used in my sump is 12 inch pipe running a across about a 1/8th of my tank with 2 90 degree elbows then switches...
  20. B

    Who grows macro algae in their DT tank?

    I am looking into adding it to my DT to give a more organic feel since this tank is FOWLR predator tank. Any tips/things to consider? I am not keen on the idea of spending a pretty penny on some only for my inverts to wipe it out so this is a major concern for me only having it so far in my sump.
  21. The Rasta Reefer

    Defensive reefing - Controlled tank crashes may develop new Reefer's confidence

    If all your main flow through filtration systems (sump, canisters, reactors etc ) went down for 9 months, could you sail your tank safely while adding livestock and feeding normally as if nothing happened? The Rasta Reefer thinks he can, and yes that includes turning off all return pumps on his...
  22. F

    Restarting 275 FOWLR, need 72” LED light suggestion

    Hi, I’m looking to restart my 275 tank as a FOWLR and I need to buy a 72” LED light for it. I would like it to have the option. Of regular daylight, night (blue) light only and moonlights I’ve been out of the hobby for over 8 years and know there has been a lot of advancements. Looking for...
  23. FishguyJosh

    Possible to quantify nitrate removal rate for a reactor?

    I have a 180 gallon Fowlr tank with nitrates that run between 60 and 80 ppm (post and pre water change respectively). Based on the consistency of my water changes (25% per week), I can infer that the weekly nitrate increase is around 20 ppm. I have some big fish in there so there is quite the...
  24. kLoRRn

    Build Thread Biocube 29

    I got this tank on a spur of the moment decision after weeks of scouring Facebook marketplace during my lunch break at work. As with buying anything used second hand from Facebook marketplace, it was exactly perfect but I am perfectly content with it (for now lol) The first couple days waiting...
  25. TheXpander

    Missing anglefish

    Hi, Longtime lurker here! I noticed tonight my flameback angel is missing! I have a FOWLR with red legged hermits, banded trochus snails, a cleaner shrimp, 2 common clowns, 7 green chromis, a blue cheek goby, an orchid dottyback, a royal gramma and a 6 line wrasse. I don’t think it jumped...
Geo's Reef