food options

  1. A

    New aquarium

    Hello, I've recently obtained a 50 gallon aquarium from a friend. So I was wondering if you guys could help me settle on some new equipment I plan on also getting new fish except that I own a pair of clown fish and a firefish. Maybe you could help find something else to stock either inverts or...
  2. J

    Can’t get my Beautiful new clownfish to eat

    Hello! I got 2 gorgeous Mocha Storm clowns 4 days ago. I have tried pellets... then mysis shrimp... then mysis shrimp soaked in garlic. And nothing is working (see attached video) They are eating tigger pods aggressively hunting them. I’ve been adding some directly in to tank so they at least go...
  3. clownenthusiast2017

    Clownfish diet?

    Just wanted to know what the #reefsquad is feeding their clownfish. Livefood, pellet, frozen, flakes etc. Trying to put together the perfect mix so please comment your favorite brands and mixes! Thanks!!
  4. Ryan Rioux

    Best Nano light for a good price?

    Looking to upgrade my lighting on small 20long . Looking to see what people's opinions are on different lights ? Alsooo have a question on option for feeding besides pellets and frozen mysis. What are some other options . Also besides brine as well. Any input appreciated !!! Lost2 clowns to...
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