
  1. Fleshtickled

    Top salt mixes for nano tanks Softies and LPS

    Hello all this is my first post here was searching for top salts and everything seems to go towards SPS for the better salts. Fluval evo 13.5 is the tank and I’ve been using fritz rpm reef mix in the smaller black bag. Recommended to me by my LFS but I feel like It just might be a generic salt...
  2. J

    My first fish!!

    So my first fish has settled in nicely was going to go for two clowns but someone beat me to them so I came away with this beauty and honestly I'm so happy, he's super enquizitive and loves swimming to the glass no name as of yet, open to suggestions
  3. BrokenMarrow

    What coral goes well with Hammers?

    So I have a 13.5 gallon evo tank as a beginner aquarium to see if I can do this hobby. I currently have 2 clown fish, a yellow watchman goby, and a hammer coral with a poor unknown snail forever attached to the coral (literally). I been wanting to get more corals but I'm not sure what to get. I...
  4. donutmanstan

    1st Reef Tank

    Hello all, I'm getting super super bored being in quarantine and wanted to ask some questions/ show off my first reef tank since nobody in my household seems to care haha. I went with a fluval evo 13.5 because of the modern style and perfect size. I upgraded the lights to an AI Prime 16hd...