fluval flex 15

  1. vaguelyreeflike

    Nano Build Show me your Fluval Flex 9gallons or 15gallons!

    I’m tempted to convert my flex 9 to salt, and looking for inspiration. Side question, what’s the back stocked with filter/media wise on your tank, or do you leave it how it comes? We got a decorator crab surrendered into work who has been surrendered/sold a few different times now, so I want...
  2. TonyTonga

    Build Thread Canister filter and Macro algea reactor on nano

    Hello, I'm starting a frag tank with a Fluval Flex 15 and I'm using a 107 Fluval canister filter which is directly connected to a Tunze macro algea reactor which then goes into a return chamber. Lighting: Fluval Marine 3.0 (from my Flex 32g) ReelReef: fancy Tonga branch puttied with Carib Sea...
Geo's Reef