
  1. damsels are not mean

    Anybody else's cyano fluorescent?

    For years I had red cyano that would come and go in small patches. I never paid attention to it. Recently, I have seen this green stuff partially beat out the red for space and I am not sure why. It may have come in on a new frag. Anyways it looks green under the whites but under windex it turns...
  2. Karen00

    How to photograph florescent corals?

    Hello fellow saltines, So I just got a beautiful frag of gsp that I have isolated on a rock island. I tried taking a picture of it but the fluorescence doesn't come through. It was taken under blue light. Do I have to take the pic under white or do I need a filter or calibration of my camera or...
  3. N

    Reef Art Appreciation Thread?

    Just a spot to showcase future artwork! First project are ornaments!
  4. E

    Unknown bugs on zoas

    I try to look at my tank at night when everything is off because that’s when everything comes out, I saw these crawling all over my frags of zoas one of them is kind of fluorescent with I did not like because dosent that mean it’s eating my zoas? But they just look like pods of some sort to me...
  5. pikos113

    Can anyone identify this coral? Help!

    Hello from me! I am preparing a small video on corals and I need to identify this coral as soon as possible. I know it is fluorescent and it exists on the great barrier reef. It looks like it is glowing red. Does anyone know how it is called? Many thanks in advance, Anastasia
  6. Mason Michalski

    Build Thread CUSTOM Acrylic Fluorescent Sump, and the 150 Gallon build

    I have been working on this 40 gallon breeder sump conversion for the last week or so, and I am looking for constructive feedback. In the works is piping, along with a fluorescent dowel plan to make the sump baffles glow once a UV led strip is installed in cabinet! Going Orange Section 40 with...