
  1. subman719

    Fluke worm on my Tang???

    I need help identifying what this could be on my Yellow Belly Blue Hippo Tang please? She is 13+ years old, approximately 10 inches long, and underwent a stressful situation yesterday as I had to chase down and remove my Wrasse that was picking on her and other tankmates. I’ve been scouring the...
  2. T

    White spreading across fish face/gills

    Hello! My mimic tang has had this white stuff on his face for quite some time now. I have had him for about 3 and a half months. It does not seem to bother him, however it continues to spread very slowly and is now right underneath his eye. It started as a small white spot at the very bottom of...
  3. ohioreef8000

    Please Help - Flukes??

    Hello! I'm new to the forum and reef tanks though I'm a life long saltwater enthusiast. I have an issue with a disease or parasite I believe - mostly with one of my percula clownfish. I've researched and tried to follow and adapt as many protocols and solutions from this forum and others to...
  4. C

    White shine and white spot in wrasse’s eyes. Normal behavior.

    My blue throat fairy wrasse has had a white shine in his eyes at certain angles since I purchased him a few weeks ago; however, nothing ever came of it, and he has been acting completely fine. Today I noticed a small white patch on the upper edge of his left eye that I don’t believe was there...
  5. C

    Help! Velvet or flukes on cowfish

    My cow fish is having major issues. About 2 weeks ago he looked like picture #1 taken April 10 (velvet?) so we removed him from DT, did FW dip for 5 mins, Ruby Rally for 90 mins then QT tank (no copper because of his skin). Over the last 7 days, He seemed normal, ate, fewer white spots after a...
  6. WTJReef

    Yellow Eye Bristletooth Tang Hanging out infront of HOB Filter in QT

    Hey Guys, I have recently purchased a nice looking bristletooth tang last Sunday. For all I can tell he may very well be healthy. Eating well from the moment I got him into the Quarantine tank and not gasping as far as I can see. Looks a healthy weight and I have not noticed any skin lesions...
  7. D

    Hello Fluke freshwater dip

    I'm trying to do a freshwater dip for my new fish that I think has flukes. Was wondering if you can see the flukes coming off the fish or if it's transparent?
  8. starghost-out

    EMERGENCY Clownfish, staying near sand bed (certain spot) and breathing heavy occasionally. Please help identify the cause if you can. Videos linked.

    Hi, I've had my first clownfish, two of them, for 3 weeks now. Nitro and Nissan. I dosed prazi, metro, and have given both clowns melafix since getting them, as Nissan was injured from being housed with aggressive fish previously and I was nervous about parasites. Nitro, the smaller clownfish...
  9. agame2021

    Is this ick or flukes?!

    So last night I did a big water change and brought up the salinity almost 3 ppm. I know it was probably stressful but i needed to do it. I have a 150 call on tank and 30 gallon sump I removed and replaced about 66 gallons last night. Woke up and added some seaweed and fed the goby. The foxface...
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