
  1. F

    EMERGENCY Clownfish has a few white spots

    I know this is probably one of the most common questions, but I have been digging the interent for hours, eyes are strained and I can't figure it out. My clownfish has a few white spots and patches on one side of her body. None on fins. She's been breathing fast since yesterday and sitting...
  2. taylormaximus

    EMERGENCY Help my firefish!!!

    Hey everyone, first post here! I just set up my saltwater tank, got it cycled and added my first and only fish, a firefish goby. My plan with the tank was to add the first fish directly and then set up a QT for all the fish afterwards (realizing that was a poor choice). I got the firefish and he...
  3. J

    Spots on gem tang (ich?)

    Hi everyone, I have several fish in quarantine right now and one of them is this gem tang. He is currently in a 55 gallon hypo-salinity tank with a blue jaw trigger, melanarus wrasse, leopard wrasse, and a pair of long fin clowns. They were in my 265 gallon along when I someone managed to get...
  4. JennyH3

    EMERGENCY PraziPro fish swimming not as usual

    Sorry title is odd - couldn’t figure out how to word it. I am in day 3 of PraziPro treatment for flukes. My fish are way more active than usual racing around the tank. Blue hippo tang - now has minimal rock scratching. Only scratching I’ve noticed that is new is black clownfish. The tiger...
  5. JennyH3

    Flukes or something else?

    I just did a freshwater bath on my Midas blenny & leopard wrasse. Some white flukes came off but there were little brown round dots also. Almost the size of mini brown pellet food. Also some super tiny black - prob black ich for that one. Thoughts. Of course I already dumped the water so no pics.
  6. H

    EMERGENCY Main tank/Flukes on fish

    Hello everyone! I am noticing quite a bit of flashing from my Midas blenny after recently adding a new purple tang. I noticed a little white and stringy poo coming from the purple tang. They are both eating good. I don’t see any ich on them. I am trying to put all these signs together and see...
  7. A

    EMERGENCY Clowns yawning and flashing?

    Hi all, I have had two clowns for over a year now, and they both went through an initial qt. Unfortunately I don’t have the space for a coral qt and a few new corals were introduced maybe 2 weeks ago. Just yesterday I noticed both of them yawning, however not too frequently. This morning I can...
  8. A

    Appetite Suppression in Possible Flukes?

    Hey Everyone, I currently have a very small clown in qt, about 3/4 of an inch which I picked up yesterday. The qt went through a full cycle and there is no ammonia detectable through the API kit as well as the seachem badge. I have currently dosed copper power at about 1.5 and in the next 2-3...
  9. violetjones

    EMERGENCY Anyone have experience with Prazipro in display?

    Anyone have experience with prazipro in a mature reef tank? I have gill flukes and trying to weigh the possible consequences on corals and other inverts. Obviously have to take out the feather duster. Anything else?
  10. emain879

    EMERGENCY Ich or flukes? I can’t tell

    This has been going on for a week or two I can’t tell if it’s ich or flukes or something else. It’s hard to get good pictures. nitrate is 7.2 Phos 0.07 Salinity 1.025 Ph 8.0
  11. D

    Yellow corris wrasse - is this flukes?

    hello everyone! My yellow corris wrasse has been acting strange and I’d like to see what you all think. 2 weeks ago she started hanging out at the top of the tank and darting back and fourth all day. This behaviour hasn’t changed at all since the first time she did it. Im not sure if she is...
  12. R

    EMERGENCY Regal Angel Question

    Hi everyone, I recently just bought a Regal Angel from my LFS less than a week ago. I have added it into my quarantine but with no copper or other medications to let him settle in and start eating. He has started eating pellets and mysis shrimp! My question is that I have observed it head...
  13. F

    Need Help / Ich or Fluke

    Hi , need help to cure my emperor, I'm new to this and not sure what to do . started a copper treatment . fish are still feeding . But I'm afraid things might go bad soon . any advice? thank you
  14. Daddydecoy

    Flukes and other disease?

    Ok here's the photos. My gf and I are debating on what the disease actually may be. It only is affecting the tang. I am trying to grow flukes out of the oval shapes, but we also notice raised white spots. We have studied the possible diseases on Humblefish.com and think it might be ick also...
  15. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Hyposalinity for prazi resistant flukes?

    I believe I have prazi resistant flukes in my tank...Wondering how to eradicate them and a method of treatment. How would I go about quarantining fish in hypo salinity? I have a good idea on how to do it, but I just want to make sure I do it correctly. My Display is at 1.026 SG And I have 1 10...
  16. J

    Yellow tank and possibly flukes?

    Long story short, my yellow tang suddenly stopped eating and swimming out in the open, had some redness, and also was flashing. I quarantined it in copper and antibiotics for about 10 days, and the entire time in QT it seemed fine (wouldn't eat though). No flashing, healed from the red spots...
  17. Scooters Reef

    EMERGENCY Fish disease ID Fairy wrasse infected DT with unknown now Midas Blenny showing symptoms

    On August 8th two new fish were added to my display. Purchased from one of two places I have bought livestock. Wasn’t until after problems started and calling the store for more information and help. That I realized they keep all fish in Sub therapeutic copper. After they have been through QT in...
  18. Lemons

    Now you see it... now you dont? (Flukes????)

    howdy folks, friendly neighborhood panic specialist... Anyways i was looking at my anthias a week or so ago and i noticed two of them have semi cloudy eyes only in the blue spectrum (see pictures below!) they've been acting normal, eating normal, so i'm wondering what gives???? anyways i...
  19. J

    Yellow tang in hospital tank, unsure of issue

    Hello, I have made a couple posts and comments about this, but figured I'd give it one last try to see if people can maybe help me pin point the issue my tang is having. Here's a breakdown. About 6 days ago I noticed my YT hiding in the shade and not eating normally. Usually very active...
  20. gobber

    White spot. Probably not ich

    Hi I did QT-ed my clownfish for 28 days with 0.5 cupramine as instructed. Unfortunately , he has white spots (1 on each side of his gills) Its symmetrical and its possibly not ich? He was in the QT with 3 other fish (wrasse, chromis, fire goby) put in at the same time. Other 3 is completely...
  21. A

    White spots on Tomini Tang

    I've got a very shy Tomini Tang who is hard to get to hold still long enough to take pictures of but hopefully these are good enough. On the fish's left side near its dorsal fin are a couple of white spots. Could someone help me to determine what this might be and if what I'm doing is...
  22. golgobot

    Purple Tang Twitching. Eating Well. Neurological Damage?

    I have a new purple tang I bought off LA. I QT'ed for two weeks without any treatment before placing in DT. No visible marks on the skin or in or near the gills. However, this fish is super twitchy. It's like it has a tick. He's eating voraciously, but just acting super twitchy. Here's a video...
  23. T

    EMERGENCY Ich or flukes

    I'm having trouble identifying if these white spots are ich or visible flukes on my majestic angel. I posted some pics. You can visibly see whites spots above the skin (on the black patch he has right before his tail), but he has the same spots on his head and sides. I can't pin point which...
  24. CakeOrCrayons

    Blue Hippo Tang Flukes or?

    I have a couple blue hippo tangs and cleaner wrasse currently in QT with 60mg/gal CP. I know these fish are known not to tolerate CP well, but I have had success when titrating the dose and ensuring they are eating before beginning treatment. The larger blue hippo tang showed signs of ich, but...
  25. gettergejetter

    Detect ich, velvet etc. in healthy looking DT?

    Hi reefers, in an other thread @bboileau92 hinted me to the microbiome test from Aquabiomics which is able to detect pathogens in an aquarium. Now I wonder if there are other ways to know/detect if there are some "dormant" pathogens/parasites like ich, velvet, flukes etc. in a completely...
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