flow control

  1. S

    Where to place nero 3 + coral plan

    Hi all, this is my first time posting here. It is a waterbox 15g which i have taken high budget to go sps route with xr15. I have got 2 clowns in there since yesterday and i think the flow might be too high and wrong position. Where do you think would be good to place it and what power? The...
  2. Jrapa86

    Flow Rate Discrepancy

    When I have the COR pump running, lets say at only 5%, the tank level is fine (even though 5% seems low but doesnt make a huge difference to lets say 20%). However, when I turn on the UV sterilizer pump, the display tank overflows. What confuses me is that the flow rate on the UV sterilizer is...
  3. J

    Dialing in flow for a fluval flex 32.5 gal tank

    So I have a SICCE Extreme sdc pump and a voyager nano 2000. I’ve recently added some LPS and I feel like my flow was way to strong as they had some difficulty opening. I want am going to remove the voyager and just run the sdc pump and trying to get the right moderate flow for my torch and...
  4. FindingCoral

    Forest Fire Placement

    I read that you’re supposed to put Forest Fire Digitata up high with lots of flow and I did that but it seems like the polyps aren’t opening….perhaps too much flow? Where do you put your digitata?
  5. Karen00

    Manage/Monitor Flow

    Hello fellow saltines, I tried searching for posts about managing flow but couldn't find anything related to my issue. I just setup a 5g top fin AIO. The tank currently has one rock and a Hi Fin goby/Pistol shrimp pair. When I started the system up my sand was smooth and even across the tank...