
  1. I

    Filters Miscellaneous Drygoods Klir Di-4 filter

  2. Travi

    Louisiana Filters Drygoods Clarisea SK5000 Gen 2

    Just pulled off and will be broken down and cleaned prior to shipping. Comes with about half a roll of fleece. Asking $200 plus shipping. Will post more pics once cleaned.
  3. reefsaver

    Can You Pressure Wash Filter Roller Fleece

    I was wondering if you can use a pressure washer on filter roller fleece as you would with a filter sock once it’s dirty. I have no specific brand in mind, just wondering if I’ll have to replace the fleece rollers all the time or if I can really wash them hard as I do with my current filter socks.
  4. plankton

    Easy Reefs / phytoplankton and rollermat/fleece…

    Has anyone worked out what micron rollermat fleece filter at? I’m using bubble magus small on a 75G reef tank and I’d like to start dosing phytoplankton at night but trying to figure out if the fleece would filter the algae or not. Googled and best I could find out is fleece will filter up to 25...
  5. psumms

    Clarisea SK-5000 Dirty Roll Removal

    Hi all, does anyone else with a Clarisea SK-5000 have problems removing the dirty roll? It should just slide off but after 10+ roll changes, i've yet to manage to do that. I end up cutting away with a knife - creating a real mess and stink!
World Wide Corals