
  1. W

    Rescape help

    Hi all, I’m planning on doing a different scape for my fluval evo, I currently have a flatworm infestation and it’s driving me insane and want to start from scratch. I’m cycling my new scape on the side in a container. Just looking for some advice on how to keep my corals happy.. I was planning...
  2. The wet one

    EMERGENCY Flatworms.

    Are flatworms really that bad? They look ugly but don’t seem to be effecting anything. I have those yellow rasses and those blue damsels. Those guys don’t eat the flatworms. When I feed I’ll dip rocks in RO and take a couple dead flatworms and drop them in with the food to get them accustomed to...
  3. H

    EMERGENCY Main tank/Flukes on fish

    Hello everyone! I am noticing quite a bit of flashing from my Midas blenny after recently adding a new purple tang. I noticed a little white and stringy poo coming from the purple tang. They are both eating good. I don’t see any ich on them. I am trying to put all these signs together and see...
  4. nomad6

    First time Acro owner need help!!

    Mille has these white spots I just noticed, nursing it back to health it was the sole survivor of 9 frags. It’s doing well color is back and polyps are extending. Shipping box got too hot. Are these flatworms I’ve got? Just noticed them… I’ve got a 6 line but he prefers copepods apparently or...
  5. nomad6

    First time Acro owner help needed!!!

    Mille has these white spots I just noticed, nursing it back to health it was the sole survivor of 9 frags. It’s doing well color is back and polyps are extending. Shipping box got too hot. Are these flatworms I’ve got? Just noticed them… I’ve got a 6 line but he prefers copepods apparently or...
  6. WallyB

    What is this? Blows off like Cyano, but is is Cyano?

    I've been battling what I thought is Cyano for over a year. Did various treaments, like ChemiClean (Many months ago...Once) , then I stopped using Amino's which would fuel this red Cyano like growth. I even added more pumps for flow to eliminate dead spots. OLD PHOTO FROM a few months ago...
  7. D9ohsoar

    Flatworms in my QT tank.. any and all advice welcome!!

    Sooo… I’ve had a 5 gallon reef tank for quite a while now. I use it to QT new frags and/or sick frags. Haven’t made any changes to it since I’ve had it. Going on a few months. Well recently I did my usual water change, and Bam! Tiny little red worms..? Confused as to where they could have...
  8. JayFish4004

    EMERGENCY How would you handle seeing 1 flatworm?

    Hi all! I am running a 20g Red Sea Max Nano and have 7 coral, 2 fish and 2 sh. Today when feeding I noticed a flatworm on my hammer coral. I have only seen a total of 1 - but I’m sure there are more. Tank params: Age: 4 months Ph: 8 Alk: 9.7 Nitrate: 16ppm (doing another water change this...
  9. NEFFx

    My experience w flatworm exit

    So, this is an ongoing process and what I have done so far. Purely Information for others. Maybe help for me. I started a new 240g roughly 300 total volume and easy math. This was January. I put some corals in March and dipped In fresh water since I saw flatworms on them. I’m pretty rash and it...
  10. T

    Tiny Flatworms?

    Hi. I noticed a few of these guys crawling around my tank after a diatom bloom. 2 days later they were everywhere. They don't seem to bother the coral, but I have seen them crawling on my Hammer. They don't bother me much I just would like to know if they are the bad kind. I ordered some...
  11. R

    Flatworm ID help

    Hi, after several years of reefing it looks like i have somehow introduced some flatworms into my tank and would appreciate help in identifying these and whether they are harmful or if i can just let them get to a balanced population and not worry. I really don't want to add chemicals if i...
  12. ReadySet-Flow


    I got some euphyllia frags today. These were crawling around inside one of the bags. Are they euphyllia eating flatworms?
  13. W

    Slug Pest/Hitch Hiker Infestation Outbreak!

    Hello everyone! This is my first time on a reefing forum. I made an account because I can’t find any information regarding what’s going on in my tank. 32 gallon LED Biocube All levels are completely fine and the tank is doing great other then the literal 2 - 300 slugs that seemed to develop...
  14. AquaNerd

    Parasitic Euphyllia Eating Polyclad Worms

    Polyclad worms are a type of flatworm that can wreck havoc on our prized corals. In this article we are going to take a look at a particular type of parasitic flatworm that some aquarists may be unfamiliar with. Keep reading.
  15. M

    Flatworm type?

    Any idea which fw type this is and if so, should I work to eradicate via FW Exit or let it run it’s course?
  16. Flatworms: The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty Terrifying--Part 2 and Conclusion

    Intermediate Topic Flatworms: The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty Terrifying--Part 2 and Conclusion

    A "red planaria" flatworm problem in a saltwater aquarium. Photo has been enlarged with a macro lens. Photo is from the Reef2Reef archives. Welcome to the second part and conclusion of the flatworm article. For Part 1, just go here, but I warn you, it’s a long one. As I mentioned last time...
  17. Flatworms: The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty Terrifying, Part 1

    Intermediate Topic Flatworms: The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty Terrifying, Part 1

    A marine flatworm magnified 60X. Photo is from the Reef2Reef archives. Flatworms are a perennial topic in our forums because some marine aquarists have problems with them. I wanted to devote an article (or two) to aquarium flatworms and how we (try to) deal with them. If you need some help...
  18. kentofms

    NOPOX withdrawls / flatworms

    Hello. I have a 120 gallon spsd tank (there is a thread if you want to see it) and its about 6 mo old. I'm running triton method, but I have been feeding a little heavy lately and as a result have had slightly accelerated diatoms on the sand and a need to clean the glass daily. I ran NOPOX for...
  19. MarineDepot

    FLATWORMS!!! - How To Get Rid of Red Planaria (Pest Control #2)

    FLATWORMS!!! - How To Get Rid of Red Planaria (Pest Control #2) We'll show you how to safely get rid of those flat, rust-brown creatures covering every surface of your aquarium!
  20. AwildcatsZ

    Red Planaria...freshwater dip?

    So I am in the middle of a battle with Red Planaria which has been going on for several months now. I've tried manual removal (keeps the population down, but it comes back), Flatworm eXit (corals do not like this), 12 Line Wrasse, and a Blue Velvet Nudibranch. Some of these have shown promise...
  21. AwildcatsZ

    Blue Velvet Nudibranch vs Red Planaria

    Things are getting out of control with Red Planaria in my 29 gallon reef tank. I've tried it all...manual removal which seems to be a daily chore, Flatworm eXit (multiple occasions), 12 line wrasse (casually grazes on them), but whatever I try I still find patches of flatworms on my rock work...