
  1. taylormaximus

    EMERGENCY Help my firefish!!!

    Hey everyone, first post here! I just set up my saltwater tank, got it cycled and added my first and only fish, a firefish goby. My plan with the tank was to add the first fish directly and then set up a QT for all the fish afterwards (realizing that was a poor choice). I got the firefish and he...
  2. Cole_Voeller

    Fish Flashing

    Hello all, So in one of my tanks, I have two fish who I have seen flash: a blenny and a fang blenny. A while back my tanks got ich (Very visible ich too), and all fish were flashing like crazy and I quarantined all fish. All fish underwent 30 days of copper, and then an additional 60 days of...
  3. S

    Tailspot Blenny Flashing?

    Hey folks, hoping for some advice on my tailspot blenny in my pico reef. He's been in the tank for about 1.5 months now, looks healthy, swims around, and eats regularly. Unfortunately I just started noticing him flashing periodically this last week. It's not constant, but I've seen it everyday...
  4. Lemons

    Hunting or possible sickness?

    Hey all! I have a royal gramma who is either flash hunting like some wrasses, or something is irritating him… i put him through a 30day copper power treatment and two rounds of prazi. he’s the only one in the reef right now. now i should mention they 80% of the time seem to bolt back and...
  5. crazyclownlady

    New clownfish turning sideways

    I got my new clownfish about 2 weeks ago and he has started to swim at the bottom of the tank, sometimes sideways. He sometimes flashes (i think that’s the right term). I’m afraid he is sick. Here is a video, you can see him swim sideways at the end:
  6. JrlGravity

    USA WTB Flashing tilefish

    Looking to buy at least a pair of flashing tilefish. Anyone know an online vendor that can get one? Thank you!
  7. C

    Diagnosis & Treatment

    I have a 32g Biocube tank with 2 clowns, 2 fire fish and 1 mandarin goby. I have some softies and LPS. For invertebrates, have BTA, cleaner shrimp, crabs, snails. Today, all of a sudden, all but mandarin are flashing. One clown has been periodically hanging near surface of water with rapid...
  8. GnarcoticFiend

    Blenny flashing. Prazi not working?

    Hi y’all. I’ve had this bicolor blenny for well over a month and about two weeks ago I noticed him coming down from his rock and kicking up sand in the same exact spot every single time. Note i’ve never seen him flash on the rocks. It almost seems as if he’s just kicking up sand with his tail...
  9. Sakosreef

    Fish showing signs of flukes while in copper!

    Hi guys I need help! I have 6 fish in a 40cub qt, tested for ammonia yesterday and it’s at .25. I got a 180 and am fallowing the tank currently and I’m a bit crammed for space so I had to qt inhabitants together it will soon take 2 of the fish out of the 40 and put them in a 75 for the remainder...
  10. Sakosreef

    Is 2.25 ppm copper power too much?

    Hi guys, I got a 40gallon qt that’s measuring at 2.25ppm copper (dosed copper power and checked with Hanna). I just started the 30 day countdown yesterday as I plan on keeping them in copper for at least 30 days to kill off the ich. Is 2.25 too much? Should I be worried about keeping them in...
  11. ReeferWarrant

    Help: Firefish Flashing and Hiding Often

    I got a firefish from my buddy that was pretty banged up from his other firefish. I've had it in the tank for about 2 months and it was always pretty active and made it's home in a cave. It eats fine and it's fins were pretty badly damaged, but are now fully regrown. The problem now is I will...
  12. trasor

    Is this flashing?

    Is this normal Lawnmower Blenny behavior? The video was posted again in the comments below due to the first upload not working.
Tank Stop