
  1. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Cycle stopped during fallow?

    Here are my Parameters...I've had an ammonia reading for about a month or so now... How can I fix this? I have snails and a shrimp in my tank. Day 46 of fallow. Ammonia (API) 0.5 - 1ppm Ammonia (Salifert) 0.5ppm Nitrite (Salifert) 0.05ppm Nitrate (Salifert) 2.5ppm Phosphate (Salifert) 0-0.03ppm...
  2. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Coralife 125g Protein Skimmer Help!

    Hi, I have a Coralife 125g protein skimmer. It is just obnoxiously loud and throws microbubbles all over the tank and makes it look cloudy. I feel as though it is bothering the fish. If anyone else has the Coralife 125g skimmer or if you know of a good way to reduce or eliminate the microbubbles...
  3. MaverickReef

    Plumbing Help Needed

    I am building and plumbing a 120 gallon with a sump. This is my first time plumbing anything and I may have made a mistake. The threaded connector which connects into my bulkhead is leaking on both sides from my return pump. I wrapped the threads in Teflon tape, but they are still leaking. The...
  4. 1mbrews8

    No Water Sample Error diy fix

    Not sure if this is the best place to post this, so feel free to move to more appropriate spot :o) So I got the dreaded "No water sample" error on my Neptune Trident, so figured I'd try to fix it to save time sending in to Neptune. First the problem.. Totally my fault. I bought it in Sept...
  5. Perpetual Novice

    will algaefix marine hurt coral?

    A friend of mine used it against my advice and claims his shrooms started dying the next day and xenia won't open.
  6. Jimmyneptune

    repair coral viewer

    I have a sea side aquatics coral viewer that has a slow leak. the viewer starts to fill up with water over 15-30 minutes when floating on the water. What can I use to repair the coral viewer?
  7. DLuce510

    California Will buy/fix broken Kessil

    Holding on to that Kessil that wont work any more because you just dont have the heart to throw away somthing that you spent hard earned cash on? I will buy your broken Kessil from you: A 150/ A 160- $10+ I'll pay shipping A 350/ A360- $20+ I'll pay shipping Think theres still a chance it will...
  8. MICU murse

    Skimmer pump replacement

    I have a precision marine protein skimmer and the pump crapped out on me today when I got home. I run my co2 scrubber off that so I'm worried about my ph and I've already been battling high nitrates so I need it fixed asap. It's an rlp 1000 and I am desperately trying to find a replacement for...
  9. AmatuerAuer

    Broken MP40??

    I have two Ecotech MP40s on my 120g DT facing each other. Last week, I came home and one of them was big deal happens all the time. The wet side slides off and falls to the substrate and the dry side stays on the glass. Well, I placed the wetside back where it belongs and...
  10. jsbull

    AquaScape Fix by Fauna Marin - Review and Video

    I recently had to rebuild my tank due to leached heavy metals, so I used all new rockwork. That's a lot of aquascaping, so I decided to try the new AquaScape Fix by Fauna Marin. I have absolutely fallen in love with it, so I decided to do a quick video on how I use it. Note that it has no...
  11. Aquateer

    Bowfront assembly?

    Hey everyone. I have been trying to find information on assembling a 155 gallon bowfront aquarium. I was just going to do a re seal on it but there are a few spots that dont look too great in my opinon. So I was curious if there are articles that anyone knows of or has experience with taking one...