
  1. rennjidk

    Clown laying on sandbed, breathing rapidly, and not eating after switching tanks. Stress?

    I had a pair of clowns in an old tank, which I broke down. I moved them both into my qt tank for 48 hours while I set up the new one. All throughout the time in qt, the mocha has been fine, but the black ice immediately sat on the bottom with very rapid breathing. I moved them both to the DT...
  2. emain879

    EMERGENCY Ich or flukes? I can’t tell

    This has been going on for a week or two I can’t tell if it’s ich or flukes or something else. It’s hard to get good pictures. nitrate is 7.2 Phos 0.07 Salinity 1.025 Ph 8.0
  3. exprobratio

    EMERGENCY White Tail Yellow Eye Tang in QT on its side breathing heavy!

    Hi everyone, So I am at work right now but got a call that my white tail yellow eyed tang wasn’t acting weird! He’s on his side breathing heavily. He’s a new addition and currently has been in QT for about 1 week now. I was able to trouble shoot a little over FaceTime but I won’t be home until...
  4. V

    Help, my sweet clownfish is getting worse.

    So the first picture is how it started. He was put in qt tank and treated with kanaplex. Other fish in tank definitely showed ich so all if my fish (4) are in the qt tank together with copper power at 2.5 as well as the kanaplex per box instruction . The next puct is him today , app a week later...