fish recommendation

  1. ScubaSnacks

    Stocking order for 40B?

    I'm narrowing down what I'd like in my 40B (to be mixed reef) and would like some recommendations on stocking order. I'm trying to go from least aggressive to most (but started my tank with a pair of mocha clowns ). Tank is about 2 months in, now on the GHA stage of the uglies but not terrible...
  2. Petrichor

    Fish recommendations for Fluval 13.5? More gobies?

    Hey all, I'm looking for one or two fish recommendations for my Fluval 13.5. Current stock is: 1 small mocha misbar clownfish 1 Hector's goby 1 peppermint shrimp 1 hermit crab various softies and LPS (eventually adding a few SPS) Whatever the fish they need to be reef-safe and preferably...