fish questions

  1. Tina22

    EMERGENCY Antibiotics are moving to Prescription only on June 2023 ?

    Will the new law going into effect June 11th 2023 affect my antibiotics for my aquarium ? Attached is a screenshot of what I am referring to. Thank you! Source
  2. T

    Tang in clown harem.

    I have a fifty gallon tank 48" long. I have decided to make it a clown harem tank. I would have 14-16 clowns and I was considering a tang and a sand sifting goby for utility. Any thoughts? I will have the tang moved to a bigger tank when it grows. I would also like a shrimp goby pair. That is...
  3. A

    General discussion and questions about my tank because I am noob at this

    General discussion and questions about my tank because I am noob at this I have many creatures, all caught from the beach with a net (even a 1 inch kelp bass) and I keep them in my 10gal tank, my dad is considering buying a 50 gal (this thread is suppose to last a long time so I might have a...
  4. T

    EMERGENCY Exquisite Firefish dead overnight.

    My pretty baby seemed to die overnight! I am new to the hobby. I don’t have any pictures of it suffering, but last night it was swimming on the ground and I noticed the crest of its fins seemed ripped in one area. I wasn’t sure what to do so I figured I’d observe it for another day before taking...
  5. T

    Noob with a lot of questions

    Ok so I have a couple questions Background info: Ive been running a 20g long saltwater tank for a month now with 2 regular clownfish and a Greenspotted puffer which I transitioned to full marine. And I’m 15 so I don’t have a lot of money to spend. Right now I’m trying to figure out what I’m...
  6. S

    What Goby would go best with my tank

    Hello I have been getting my tank ready for a couple months now. There is a adequate amount of algae that is forming and steady. currently I have a tuxedo urchin, a couple snails, an emerald crab, and a banded coral shrimp. my tank is a biocube 32 my question is I’ve wanted to get a pistol...
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