fish list

  1. T

    Which fish would be best for my tank?

    Hey everyone, just upgraded back to a bigger time, this time I didn’t go too big but got the waterbox 65.4. I’d love to hear thoughts on what fish to have, I already have a clownfish, Midas blenny, and Royal gramma that I’m transferring in. What tangs or other similar fish would be suitable for...
  2. nsauer3

    180 reef gallon tank stock list

    This is my list for my saltwater reef tank, 180 gallon 1. Clowns(2) 2. Algae Blenny and Canary blenny 3.Firefish, Engineer Goby, and Royal gramma 4. Pajama Cradinalfish(5) 5.Dispair Anthias(8) 6. Starry blenny and Blue dot Jaw-fish 7. Tang time! chevron tang, purple tang and mimic tang 8...
  3. J

    Fish list

    I have a Red Sea 350 90g total volume Reflux 1050 return pump 2x Nero 5 2x xr15 110 protein skimmer here’s my fish list that I want. Please tell me what you think and what can be a problem. Is this too much fish ? 2 clowns Yellow coris wrasse Blue tang until he get 6” Tomini tang Flame angel...
  4. W

    Daunting Stock List 109 gallon Peninsula tank - Clownfish Harem, Gem Tank, Blue Spot Jawfish, and so much more! Help me out

    Hello! I am pretty new when it comes to fish and how they get along with each other in saltwater. I am most likely going to get the waterbox 4820 which is a 109 gallon peninsula tank. I have the following fish and inverts that Id like to get and want to know how the temperament would be and if...
  5. W

    Daunting Stock List for a 109 gallon peninsula tank - Clownfish harem, BS Jawfish, Gem tang, so much more | Help me out!

    Hello! I am pretty new when it comes to fish and how they get along with each other in saltwater. I am most likely going to get the waterbox 4820 which is a 109 gallon peninsula tank. I have the following fish and inverts that Id like to get and want to know how the temperament would be and if...
  6. underthereef

    Potential Stocking List (And Order Of Addition) For A 180G Mixed Reef

    Hey All! I've been building my 180G mixed reef tank set up and it is finally cycling! So now my thoughts are on my potential stocking list and order of addition. :) Let me know what you guys think about my potential list; any potential worries that should be brought to my attention and...
  7. jjmuesch

    Tang addition

    Hi guys I am finishing up stocking my 210 gallon reef tank qnd I am ready to add my tang gang I had planned on adding 3 of them but can't decide on the mix so I am looking for personal opinions on what has worked for you to avoid aggression. Trying to decide on a tomini, yellow, purple...
  8. Ricky J

    New Reefer - Fish List (tell me I’m dumb or tell me it works)

    Strapping together my first SW tank and I’ve been composing my (at the time) fish list. The tank will be 4’ long, 22” deep and I believe 30” tall. Sand sediment and likely 90lbs or rock. I made up this list with things in mind such as what fish I would love to have and what has a utilitarian...
  9. Davar93

    50 gallon stock list

    Hello everyone! I am looking to upgrade from my nano 30 to a 50 gallon cube. Here is what I have for my stock list for far. Please let me know what you think. The ones that say current are currently getting along in my tank. Thanks! 2 clowns (current) 3 chromis (1 current) Midas blenny...
  10. Tobiaks

    Fish list compatibility and validity

    Hi everyone, I have a 50g tank with a 2 inch sand bed and sump with a fuge. I’m thinking of getting the following inhabitants for it. Can I get help ensuring that there are no issues here? Not overstocked or have incompatible inhabitants? 2 clowns 1 firefish 1 six line wrasse 1 starry blenny 1...
  11. cwb_reeftank

    Stocking list for 30 breeder help

    Hello, I'm doing a sps dominated 30 breeder and right now I only have one clown fish in it and I was hoping I could get some suggestions what I could put in it. I was think maybe some gobbies but I wasn't sure if I could maybe do two different gobbies with two pistol shrimp. Also if anyone knows...
  12. Erick Armanii

    Finding Nemo and some tank mates!

    Hello everyone! It’s been a long time coming but the day is finally here! After a hot water heater failed we were forced to temporarily tear down my tank and leave it in an “essentials only” setup while we repaired the basement What better time to upgrade to a bigger tank!!! I’ve been about...
  13. GlassMunky

    Help with Stocking list for 6ft 220G

    SO we are finally getting to the part where we gotta come up with a list of future inhabitants for our new ~220 build. Tank is 72x30x24 and the aim for the tank is a nice mixed reef with large LPS and some easier to keep sps (not going the full Acro route, been there, too much work). Tank will...
  14. 00Barracuda00

    Shrimp/Fish Interactions?

    I have 2 black/white ocellaris clowns, and the three shrimp I added to the tank are DESPERATE to clean them. The clowns simply aren't having it. Could this be because they are tank raised and have never seen/experienced this behavior before or because they just aren't usually ok with being...
  15. Joe Batt

    230 gallon fish stocking list.

    Just putting together a stocking list for my 230 gallon mixed reef and interested in input. I am moving across from a Reefer 350 and the current stock is 2x clown 1x damsel 1x sailfin tang 1x yellow tang 1x yellow belly blue tang 1x blotchy anthias 1x dotty back I am looking at adding the...
  16. Eggpaul

    Fish list/introduction order for new 150 gallon reef

    Hello friends. Exciting things are happening. Tank is cycling now so I want to plan what fish will go in. Here is a list of a few, please add or subtract. I REALLY want a blue throat trigger or Niger trigger, so please tell me when I should place those (first, middle, last)? Pair of...
  17. Fer21

    Is my fish list ok?

    Hello R2R friends, I'm setting up my reef tank in few months and I have been researching some of the fish I really want to keep, my tank would be 5ft x 2ft x 2 ft (150G) mixed reef leaning more towards SPS, I would like to know your opinion, here's my list: * Regal Angel *Majestic Angel...
  18. potatocouch

    Need yellow fish in 55g tank

    I have at the moment: 1 Kole Tang 2 Percula Clown Fish Want to add third. Want something peaceful, doesn't eat any corals SPS, LPS etc, relatively hardy (not a fussy eater) and not a jumper. What would it be? Other criteria: must be yellow colour or bright peach like Sunburst Anthias.
  19. audikers

    Fish help for a new (to me) 33 gallon reef tank

    I have a new (to me) 33 gallon reef tank. It is a well established tank so I have already added coral to it. I am going to let it sit for a couple weeks before adding fish. BUT I would like advice on what kinds of fish I can add. It is 33 gallon, but as long and deep as a 50... just not as TALL...
  20. R

    Cirrhilabrus, Paracheilinus and Wetmorella

    I was hoping for some help in choosing a selection of fish for my 66 gallon reef. The dimensions are 32x24x20. It will be a mixed reef with a 7.5 gallon rubble filled refugium. I plan to feed small amounts of phyto to keep the pod production up in the system and feed twice a day with high...
  21. cwb_reeftank

    possible stocking list

    I have a 55 gallon tank and in it now I have a yellowtail damsel, a chrub angel, and a melanurus wrasse. my tank looks pretty empty right now but I have been looking at several different fish that would do good in my tank Fish list: Fathead Anthias (maybe 2) Yasha Goby Pinkbar Goby McCosker's...