fish id

  1. H


  2. Raphael Dalmeida

    Cleaner wrasse or false cleaner wrasse?

    Hi guys, Got this cleaner wrasse yesterday from lfs, and I'm not sure if it's a false or true cleaner wrasse. So far it cleans some of my tangs and blenny. My mimic tang however does not like him and does not let him clean him. I tried to get a few photos or cropped screenshots from video...
  3. tom's_tank

    Blue tilefish ID

    Hi so i got this tilefish from my LFS the other day and he hasn't been eating any frozen foods or pellets/ flakes i've been feeding him. Does anyone know what type of tilefish he is and what the like to eat? Thanks!
  4. R

    Angelfish ID: Queen, Blue, or Townsend?

    Short and simple. What do you all think, do I own a queen angelfish, a blue angelfish, or a hybrid Townsend?
  5. V

    Longfin Black Ice Clowns?

    I ordered 2 Longfin Black Ice clowns in anticipation of the new tank coming in, but that’s okay- they will just hang out in the 10g for a bit. 1 was definitely stressed out and I think he’s starting to perk up a bit, but! He doesn’t look like a longfin black ice to me? His buddy does...
  6. Kolby’s Reef

    What type of goby is this?

    Got him for free from a local person they didn’t know the name maybe bicolor goby? Just was wondering the specific name of this fish. Thank you!
  7. M

    Percula or Ocellaris

    Hey guys I got 2 clown fish, and they were both labeled as ocellaris, but when checking out they said that the darker orange one might be a percula. Can anyone help confirm and id these fish?
  8. SaltyShel

    What is this fish?

    Can anyone tell me what kind of fish this is? I saw it on a BRS YouTube video and I just have to know what kind of fish this is so I can get one!!! Unless it’s meant for a massive tank…then I’ll wait lol
  9. A

    What killed my wrasses?

    Hey guys so I recently purchased a wrasse as well as a new CUC I brought Scarlett hermit crabs, a cleaner shrimp, blue leg hermit crabs, and a couple snails. Now I have a emeral crab from my last clean up crew and the emerald, cleaner shrimp and blood fire shrimp all hang out on and in the...
  10. J

    Can anyone ID this fish for me?

    I was at an aquarium today and they had this fish in a display tank and I want to figure out what kind of fish it is so I can hopefully get one for my home aquarium. I thought it looked like a type of anthias but couldn’t find a specific species that looked like it.
  11. dankaqua

    Fish id - Juvenile black & white spotted fish - can anyone id it?

    Saw a super cute fish out of the corner of my eye (er, mask) and was able to snap a couple pics .... very poor pics to be sure, but this guy wasn't hanging around for more modeling. I thought it was a from the "sweetlips" family (Haemulidae) but I haven't been able to find a photo which is...
  12. RedFrog211

    Blenny ID?

    Didn’t know if this belonged in critter ID or fish discussion, so here I am. I had my first reef tank about 4 years ago (has been broken down since) and found this photo of a blenny I had, and wasn’t able to identify it. Any thoughts? It was sold as a rhino blenny, but was obviously not that. Is...
  13. AceB9908

    Fish ID?

    Saw this guy in my LFS without a label, and I really like his coloring. I'm guessing it's a chromis based on the body, anyone know?
  14. FL Gator

    Help ID Fish Please

    Please help me ID my fish. Bought fish as a Fowerli Tang. And I'm pretty sure he isn't unless they develop there horseshoe later on and lose the spots on the tail. I'm in between a Bariene Tang and a Dussumieri Tang. The fish is around 3" I'm going to let him destress for a few days but wanted...
  15. jackalexander

    Damsel ID

    I got this damselfish from my LFS a week ago for $15 but they didn’t say what kind it was. Just curious about the species and good tank mates, I would like to have a pair of clowns and wrasse with him but I know damselfish are pretty aggressive. & Yes I know he has a case of ich. I’ve been...
  16. Gon2srf

    Fish ID please

    This little guy isn’t a neon or engineer goby and I’m still having trouble identifying. Is about 2” long lays in the sand and is very comfortable IN and around my carpet anemone. Paired clowns don’t seem to mind him. He cleared a little “divot” in the sand and lays in that when not hovering...
  17. BloopFish

    Unknown Pseudochromis?

    Hey, didn't know where to post this, but I was looking at this fish and was trying to figure out what it is and I basically can't. I've seen it offered for sale by multiple places as "vampire pseudochromis- Maldives" with the exact same picture. Thing is, it doesn't look like the typical vampire...
  18. Tangina20

    Any clownfish experts out there?

    Im trying to identify what type of maroon clown I have. I would like to get another one of the same kind to pair it but can’t find anything that looks like it and now live across the country from where I got it. If no one knows what kind, what would be a good pair for it? Also do maroons get...
  19. AnakinReefWalker

    Anthias ID Required

    Hi all, I bought this Anthias from the LFS, I'd like to know what kind of Anthias it is, I fed the tank last night and it is eating well. Thanks
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