fish dying

  1. avanmg88

    Mccosker's Wrasse Help

    I just got home from the grocery store and my Mccosker's wrasse is lying down on the sand bed in the back corner. What is happening? He's been eating and active since I bought him from the LFS except for today. It looks like he's breathing heavily with sudden big breaths. All other fish are...
  2. Doctor Faust

    HELP Aquarium Cloudy After Too Much Carbon Dosing. Fish Dying and Worse With Water Change. HELP

    Hello, I am in dire need for some help, and any advice will be appreciated! I dosed carbon (as vodka) last night, but I put way too much. Wayyy too much. I have a 55 gallon with 11 gal sump and a 43 gallon with 10 gallon sump. In the morning I saw that the water was cloudy in both tanks. A...
  3. D

    EMERGENCY I need a spare tank for a hospital tank.

    I know this is a very large request, but I have a fish that is being bullied and is dying (there has also been a recent ich outbreak) and I have inverts so I can’t use ich meds in tank. I live in the Loxley Al area. If you have a spare tank of any size (even tiny is fine) that you’re not using...
  4. B

    Shipping took two days - Powder Brown Tang on Edge of Death

    My powder brown tang took an extra day to arrive and was very close to death. Water was freezing and some damsels that were also in the package were DOA. I got the temp up slowly for the tang and then began drip acclimating (water he was in had almost no alkalinity - my guess is dissolved CO2...
  5. L

    Frozen food

    Would like people's thoughts on this. I have been keeping a mixed reef tank for years now, and have always fed my fish with mainly frozen foods! Last night I fed them with frozen krill, and to my surprise a white feather was introduced into my tank via the frozen krill. The very next day my...
  6. R

    EMERGENCY Need Help identifying possible disease

    Earlier this week I lost my coral beauty. Now my strawberry pseudo chromis is showing almost identical symptoms. I’m starting to think they have a type of disease. Can anybody help me, and what should I do to keep my other fish from this. Also my fish isn’t normally in a glass, I just put him in...
  7. C

    What is going on with my tank!?

    So, I thought I knew what I was doing - clearly I do not. Feeling a little overwhelmed and reaching out for help before I lose anything else. My ammonia is still high even after two water changes. Lost a six line wrasse and a valentini puffer yesterday - which I'm so bummed about. Fish were...
  8. J

    HELP cloudy tank and corals dying

    3 days ago i woke up to a cloudy tank and lethargic livestock and corals not opened up and mushroom splitting maybe from stress. Turns out my return pump in the back sump of my all in one tank had broke most prob the night before and i didn’t notice till 11am the next day so maybe 24h with no...
  9. B

    Everything dying in an established tank

    I have a 9 month old tank. Last week I turned off my return pump overnight due to a plumbing problem. I have a refugium with lots of macro growing in it. When I turned off the power for the return pump, it also turned off the light in the fuge. I fixed the plumbing the next day but noticed the...
  10. Shabalaba

    Fish Dying

    Hello, I have a 100g mixed reef that has been established for about a year and a half. I have not added a new fish for about 5 months, and I believed all to be going very well. I woke up this morning and I found my Powder Brown Tang laying on the sand bed. I was in distress and looked at him for...