fish disease diagnosis

  1. P

    Lavender tang death - coral rubble found in stomach

    My lavender tang was doing fine, then all of the sudden I found it swimming strangely and was very lethargic. He didn't eat, was upside down and hyperventilating. He was then placed in an isolation container in the same system for observation and feeding. He didn't respond to any type of food...
  2. JK75gal

    Need assistance to ID disease or whatever this is

    Hi Folks, Just getting into the tanks fourth month and added a Sailfin tang to the tank before I noticed the "white stuff". Newbie mistake for sure, but now what? I did look through posts and did not seem to find anything that matched my issue. Apologies up front if there is a post on it. Can...
  3. Reef_Tanks

    Clownfish White poop

    Sorry about the picture quality but little bit of white stringy poop hanging out of my clown today anyone know if this is normal or something else read other things saying it could be a parasite It might be nothing but not an expert yet lol
  4. b0bburg3r

    Heavy breathing weird behavior. Can’t identify!

    My tang was found breath heavy after feeding of mysis. At night he hides and has a respiration rate over 150 a second. He also has a cleaner shrimp following him everywhere and cleaning him. Getting worse but during the day he acts like this and is still eating like crazy. Please help I am a...
  5. squidarcher

    Clownfish acting different with dents in his head??

    This clownfish went through a 30-day QT with light medication. It’s been 10 days since he(or she) was added to the display and as of last night he hasn’t been moving much. He is opening and closing his mouth rapidly, and there is a singular white spot on his chin. He also had little dents in his...
  6. L

    ID - ich vs flukes

    Hi guys! Hoping for some help! (Please don’t mind the water on the back of the tank ‍♀️) I’ve had this little guy in a 36g QT tank under coppersafe treatment for 7 weeks now. He had what I thought looked like ich and slight popeye when I first got him then (other clowns in the video have been in...
  7. B

    Clownfish has white stuff on it, any thoughts?

    Hey everyone. Had 2 fish die the other day (one looked like is got caught in a power head after it got it’s finally nipped) and not sure what happened to the other. today one of my clowns is covered in white stuff. Guessing I have some type of fish disease but don’t have a quarantine setup. Any...
  8. Scooters Reef

    EMERGENCY Fish disease ID Fairy wrasse infected DT with unknown now Midas Blenny showing symptoms

    On August 8th two new fish were added to my display. Purchased from one of two places I have bought livestock. Wasn’t until after problems started and calling the store for more information and help. That I realized they keep all fish in Sub therapeutic copper. After they have been through QT in...
  9. Reefer9871

    EMERGENCY What is this on my Melanarus Wrasse?

    Hey fellow reefers! I desperately need some help figuring out what is going on with my melanarus wrasse. A week ago I added him to my what was a coral and inverts only 29 gallon biocube. He is the only fish in the tank. He hid out for 2 days after I introduced him into the tank. After day 2 he...
A Reef Creation