fish diet

  1. Raphael Dalmeida

    Cleaner wrasse diet

    Hi All, While there's plenty of articles and topics mentioning "how difficult it is to keep them", i couldn't find much around an ideal diet for them. (E.g.: mix of flakes, meaty foods, nori, x times per day). I'm wondering if the experienced people here have an idea of the best things to...
  2. S

    Valentini puffer

    Hi everyone, I’ve had my Valentini puffer for about 4 months and have always fed mysis shrimp and half shell clams, but I got a wyoming white clownfish yesterday and realized while feeding that the puffer also enjoys pellets, would it be okay to feed pellets most of the time and feed half shell...
  3. MrMreef

    Nori: why is it the food pariah in my tank?

    Hey Everyone, Bit of a weird one here; have a mixed reef 100g and none of my 2 herbivores will touch Nori (or lettuce, or zucchini) and I’m concerned because I’d like them to have a great, varied diet. Current fish list: 1x McCosker’s flasher 1x Canary Wrasse 2x Snowflake clowns 1x Lawnmower...
  4. WheatToast

    Ridiculous fish foods

    What ridiculous foods have you fed or have been told to feed your marine fish/invertebrates (post below)? I remember that the book below recommended feeding Hamburger meat:
  5. HBoojie

    LRS Fish Frenzy

    Hello all! I’m looking Into food for my new tank, I’ve been heavily eyeing LRS FF, and was wondering if other ingredients are needed to make this top tier? Or can I just drop a chunk into my feeder cup and let her ride? Also wondering if this is a good staple food for a wide variety of fish such...
  6. R

    TANG help

    Hello everyone! I have a juvenile Bristletooth Tomini Surgeonfish I recently acquired. He picks at hair algae on my rocks all day long and eats my Piscine Energetics mysis shrimp and San Fransisco Bay brine shrimp no problem. I tried Julian Springs red and green seaweed in a veggie clip for him...
  7. S

    Bundoon Blenny diet? doesn't seem to be eating

    Hi all, For any Bundoon Blenny owners I was hoping for some advice. Since I got this Blenny 4 days ago I haven't seen him eat, I've tried flakes, garlic infused pellets, veggie pellets, dried seaweed on a clip, and enriched Mysis/Brine. I'm starting to get a little worried, but at day 4 he...
  8. D. Torres

    Clownfish won't eat after tank transfer

    As the tittle says, one of my clownfish won't eat after a transfered them from my 75g to my 175g. I've had both clownfish for about 2.5 years and the female clownfish is going on day two since I transfer her over to the bigger tank. The 2 clowsn are the only 2 fish I've transferred so far and...
  9. j.register3

    New Reefer Feeding Question

    Hello all, I’m a new reefer getting my first pair of clownfish & im curious about their diet or just fish diet in general from experienced reefers! My plan is to feed a mixed diet of frozen mysis shrimp & pellet food. Would it be better to feed pellet or frozen food in the morning? & which one...